I’m starting on my own ICF house. Haven’t made up my mind yet on exterior finish. Brick is my first choice, but lack of $ will probably rule that out.
I’ve done a little reading on Grailcoat. They even sent me some samples. It looks impressive. Has the appearance of stucco but costs less.
Anyone had any experience or even seen it? www.grailcoat.com
I’m particularly interested in finding out how easy it is to apply.
“It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.”
thius stuff suppose to be the holy GRAIL of coatings?
It's not supposed to be holy, supposed to be waterproof."It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept."
Haven't used it yet, but I plan to on a house I'm starting in about 6 weeks. Spent a lot of time on the phone with the company manager. I'm willing to take the leap. Excellent record (25 years!), excellent guarantee. Waterproof and breathable. Gore-Tex for your house. No vapor barrier required. Let me know how it goes for you.