We have a composting toilet due to the fact that the land that we live on is so rocky that putting in a septic system would cost us around $15,000.
Does anyone have any ideas on what to do with our grey water from our kitchen sink that would be up to code for the Texas hill country?
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Seem to recall this subject before..have you checked the archives??
*Gina,15K for a septic system. Think you can find a more civilized solution (than a composting privy) for a lot less. Take a look at http://www.hootsystems.com/ for an example of an active septic system that produces water you can drink. Also, have you talked with your local health department people? The sanitarians may have the answer. In any case, what you eventually do will have tyo pass muster with them so it makes sense to start out with them. We just put a septic system into a difficult site and could not have done it without the help of our health department.Steve Hansen
*Gray water is great for your garden. The phosphorus is good fertilizer. If you dont have a garden run it down to your hog pen, it makes a great waller. We use ours to water our fruit trees in the summer too.
*Hello Gina, Before you do anything at all, call the local office of the TNRCC (Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commision) and ask them what steps you should take, what is legal, and so forth, and so on. The TNRCC governs and regulates all local health departments concerning sewer systems, and they will be much more informed on the laws and steps necessary. The inspector of my aerobic system told me grey water was perfectly safe to discharge into the yard. James DuHamelFellow Texan
*These are a few grey water related web sites that I collected a while back. Haven't really checked them out, so can't vouch for anything about them:http://www.eren.doe.gov/consumerinfo/refbriefs/ee4.htmlhttp://www.greywater.com/http://www.enviroweb.org/earthsweet/WORKSHOPS/perma/Grey.htmlhttp://www.jademountain.com/greywaterinfo.htmlhttp://www.sustainable.doe.gov/success/hanson_assoc.htmhttp://www.powerup.com.au/~edesign/navbar.htmThe following is a thread on an environmental discussion board:http://metalab.unc.edu/london/renewable-energy/mailarchives/greenbuilding2/msg00397.htmlweb site no longer operational:Earthship Global Operations - We have done extensive research into the Grey Water field. Please seeour Web Site for more information. We have a Grey Water Chronicle available for $12. Our specialty is individual home Grey Water Systems for Earthships.Jonah ReynoldsEarthship Global OperationsBox 2009, El Prado, NM 87529www.taosnet.com/earthship/505-751-0462505-751-0462 fax - (505) 751-1005
We have a composting toilet due to the fact that the land that we live on is so rocky that putting in a septic system would cost us around $15,000.
Does anyone have any ideas on what to do with our grey water from our kitchen sink that would be up to code for the Texas hill country?