Since the main board has no post new message button, I thought I’d post this here.
Does anyone know how to use a hammer to put nails into wood? I’m just a ihomeowner, so I need some help here really quick so I don’t have to pay a skilled tradesman to do the work for me.
After I find out how to put nails in wood, I’ll come back to find out how to put the pieces of wood together to make a wall.
I've always found the best way for a home owner to learn to put in a nail is to hold the nail firmly and place your thumb over the head and hit it with the hammer as hard as you can.Having done this once you will you will have learned the correct way to put a nail into wood.Putting the peices of wood together takes alittle longer but you can always refer to lesson one for guidence.
*What are YOU doing, JAG, on this forum this morning?Don't you have something else you should be doing?(He got married this weekend.)(You did, didn't you JAG?)
*Take a scrap piece of wood and lay it on a sound surface. Take your nail and set it on the scrap wood with the pointie end up. Now take the piece of wood you want the nail to go into and carefully hold it on top of the nail at the exact spot you want the nail to go in. Take a second piece of scrap wood and set it on top of the wood that's getting the nail (this step can be skipped if you don't care what the wood looks like when you are done). Find your hammer and hit it on the spot immediately above the nail a few times. If it isn't working, hit it harder.This is posted for entertainment purposes only. Author takes no responsibility for any outcomes as a result of someone actually doing the aforementioned procedure. Don't try this at home (or at work, or on vacation, or on a train, or on a plane, or in a car, or in a bar, or anywhere else!)Rich Beckman
*1st thing you need to learn is this... Every tool is a hammer except a screwdriver (its a chisel).Once you have grasped this concept you can begin to orient yourself with nails (sharp end always goes down)
*Guess I gotta go back to square one. I was taught to drive nails, not hammer them.But seriously JAG, you open the box containing the nail gun, connect the air hose, press the nose, and pull the trigger. BTW, what's a hammer?
*You hold the hammer, I'll hold the nail.Now when I nod my head, you hit it.:)
*Put bags on.Fill bags with nails.Put hammer in metal loop on bags.Put hand in bags to grab nail.Jabbing the pointy end of nail between your finger nail.Run and get bandaid to stop the bleeding, bouncing most the nails out of your bags all over the floor.Pick up nails and try again.Grab nail, placing pointy end toward wood, grab hammer from loop, swing and miss nail, hit thumb, drop hammer on toe, grab toe and board falls on head.Pick up phone call tradesman.Bob
*The method I use is the measure/head gage method, I lean over the nail take the hammer raise the hammer till the claw touches your forehead and swing repetitively touching your forehead each time and be sure you close your eyes when you swing the hammer and let the force be your guide.
*They should have a class over at HD.
*Well, none of us would be caught dead without an Autohammer....see, you push a button, a nail slides into position and you swing away at it. It's easy we just make it look like a skilled profession. If you'd see the entire morons that we transform into carpenters, it would truly astonish you...really.
*You can buy the Autohammer at HD.
*I beg to differ. A screwdriver can be both a hammer and a chisel.Mary
*let not forget the "flex nails" when you hit at a angle rather than bending theyll go into the wood at a angle they'll just look like theyre bent. also you can pick up the high tech light nails. the heads flash with a little light so if your working at night they'll light up so you can accurately hit them. They work great with my measuring/gage method of hammering. I think they may carry them at the HD also.
*Why don't you ask Gabe?
*I think serious questions like this belong in "Construction Techniques". The Tavern is for less technical talk.
*LOL-Jim,But I don't think those guys in Contruction Techniques are all that well versed in the uses of the Autohammer. The people in the Tavern have put alot more time, money, and research into this unique tool.
*I really had a tough time when I first opened a box of nails, and half of them had the heads on the wrong ends. I wasted a lot of nails before someone told me those were for the other side of the building.
*LOL Ron. Its the dumb nails that start to bend when you have about 1/5 of the nail to go that annoy me. And pulling them out is worse.
Since the main board has no post new message button, I thought I'd post this here.
Does anyone know how to use a hammer to put nails into wood? I'm just a ihomeowner, so I need some help here really quick so I don't have to pay a skilled tradesman to do the work for me.
After I find out how to put nails in wood, I'll come back to find out how to put the pieces of wood together to make a wall.