Howdie, everyone,
Just wandering….has it been a slow summer for you guys? I mean unusually slow.
If so, why do you think so?
Howdie, everyone,
Just wandering….has it been a slow summer for you guys? I mean unusually slow.
If so, why do you think so?
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Slow? No, not at all, in fact just the opposite.
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Nope! Busy as heck. DanT
Currently turning down work..... which turns my stomach. Why can't the world work on MY schedule? ;)
Busiest year yet for us.
Werner Building & Remodeling
Huntingdon PA
I know what you mean, because I keep hearing it, but I'm not seeing it. I've turned away more stuff this summer than I usually get in a year. It's weird, really. I hear drywallers and painters mostly saying boy its just not cookin here but I am. Most of the guys I know and hang with are. I know the concrete guys . . . man, good luck getting on their schedule this year.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain
I'm just a one man operation, but I'm booked solid and have been all year. The really cool thing is that I have two jobs right on my street. One is next door and the other is across the street. I get a real warm fuzzy when I think of all the $2.75/gal gasoline that I'm NOT using - lol.
I am mostly a one man band so it doesn't take too much to keep me busy. Funny thing is I left a government job 3 years ago wondering if there would be enough to keep me busy. Currently have a long waiting list.
Have a good day, remember your kids grow up fast!
This has been the slowest summer in years. It got off to a bad start--quoted two big jobs to solid, established clients, and had both jobs blown off 'till next year....' "We've just had so many expenses lately...."
Hasn't gotten much better, either. I'm looking at about 75 days left in my season and right now have one small job waiting on special-order materials and a couple of non-confirmed possibles hanging. So I'm pickin' my nose with my toes and taping up the toe caps on the old work boots one more time....
The pinstripe suits have been vaguely predicting a major recession for years, but in spite of the US veering in that direction, Canada has kept riding the boom. This should mean I shouldn't have a slowdown.
But half of my major clients are chalet owners whose principal residence is in the US.
Now watch that trickle-down effect at work....
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
It must be busy cause I can't get any help.
The secret of Zen in two words is, "Not always so"!
When we meet, we say, Namaste' means..
Slow? Well, if you consider picking up $84 million in work over the last 4-5 weeks slow, then I guess
This typically slow down a bit in commercial work in the summer because the decision-making staff takes vacations. While that has still been a bit of an issue, the sheer volume of work around here lately has exploded.
Maybe if it wasn't summer, we would have picked up $120 million??? lol
Quality Homebuilders here in NW Ohio have seen a slowdown. Remodels seem never ending. I am busy. Nothing large, no kitchens lately. Couple of baths and preventive maintainance. Currently finishing an addition where the H.O. ran off the builder after a little more than two years building the master suite. Amazing he wouldn't finish, he's just a couple weeks from done. Now I deal with all the finish material I never figured or ordered. Three hole bidet with a four hole faucet. Try calling the lady in Calif. and asking her how she wants sprayed?
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Personally I've never been so busy.
That said, I was at a golf outing with a few salesman from one of the largest kitchen firms in the city, and they told me no one there has sold a job in over 2 months.
Another kitchen company that focuses more on new construction, told me they can't keep up?
Last Sunday there were about 15 adds for carpenters, and another 10 or so for laborers.
Who knows what is going to happen. I'm hesitant to take on any more debt, just in case.
Edited 8/25/2005 8:01 am ET by dustinf
It's been an odd year here. I typically have 10 or 12 plans waiting for me to work on. During July, I was up to 29 at one point. But when I walked in Monday morning there were only 3. Today I'm up to 9 or 10 again. But we typically have a slump in August, so it may not be a big deal. September looks to be strong again.
In junior high a boy poured water down my shirt and yelled: "Now maybe they'll grow" [Pamela Anderson]
Personally I've never been so busy. 2nd that!
Same here, maybe it is just getting old and one can't do as much. Got back from a fix-it electrical job in CA last week and boss wanted me to go to the Gulf to fix a problem on an oil platform typ vessel - begged off, glad I did, got a coallthe next day from the guy that went, 95F, 95%RH, mandatory HH, STB, long sleeves and pants - glad it was him and not me. Have to take a day vacation to get any slowdown.
one of the largest kitchen firms in the city, and they told me no one there has sold a job in over 2 months.
Was in the cabinet shop the other day for a countertop price. Salesperson asked if I had slowed down like everyone else.
"No, not really." Calls are lighter than they usually are, but I had a large project going for most of the summer, with smaller stuff thrown in when time allowed.
Been away from the office work for too long so I am catching up on it this week and early next, but have work to do into late October. Just had a lead for an addition fall through; they scaled back to adding a window instead.
phone really seems to start ringing about a week after Labor day. I'm looking to find stuff to push into January and February
Though I had an interesting conversation with a plumber at a family gathering. Seems they have been concentrating on new construction, and it is drying up. They want to move more into remodeling, and wanted to know if I had anything they could look at.
We have signs of weakness and signs of strength, but I have not seen an add for a carpenter in at least 6 months.
Mostly fairly slow around here. Most guys I know are working but nobody AFAIK, including me, has much of a queue
It's to the point now where I don't worry about getting work anymore. If you know how in the building trades, the work world is your oyster.
Never been busier. I think this year will be my best yet.
I can't seem to get a day off. I had 2 days between jobs and a friend called in a favor so off to work I go.