I’m a one man show doing smaller remodeling & renovation projects. I’m looking for health insurance for my self only. Does anyone have a preferred Health Ins. provider or experience in the best way to find a good health insurance plan? I’m thinking about just hitting some of the healthe insurance e-tailers on the web, but before I do that, I wanted to see if anyone had any advice.
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look around this site and you'll see some other discussions about the same thing. one is over in the tavern. I'm in a similar situation except I need it for my wife and two kids also, which gets kinda pricey.
*Check with the Small Business Administration. If I am not mistaken, they have a program where they group people like yourself to get better rates.Good Luck
*Also check with your chamber of commerce. joining them puts you in a group sometimes. Your NAHB, the same. Heard horror stories about the Association for Self Employed or National Association of Self Employed.
*Peter, I'll ditto about NASE - terrible organization from first hand experience.
*I'm in a hurry to drop NASE as soon as I can find someting different. Problem here is that the statte has passed regs trying to make insurance "fair" for all and ended up driving most of the underwriters out of the state, reducing competition and thus raising rates. Makes me want to drop health ins altogether
*Peter, I emailed you the other day in regards to our discussion on another thread. did you get it?
*I commented a couple of years ago about such a good deal I got on my health insurance. Well, last years annual increase wasn't too bad, $68.00, BUT, this year I jumped into a new age bracket. Talk about sticker shock. The increase, PER MONTH, was $245.00.I realize that health care costs are rising every year but I was hoping I wouldn't have to pay the whole tab for all those other sick folks, too.I'm checking out the insurance benefits through the local builder's association - waiting for the mail.Jeff, Steve, Patrick, you might want to try that route also. Maybe they will have better buying power.
*I looked into that NASE a few years ago and was never ever able to figure out what was going on. Wasted my time. Presently, the best deal for me around here turned out to be Blue Cross Blue Shield. With a pretty high deductible, its the cheapest insurance I've had in years. I live in a somewhat depressed area and have wondered if there might be some kind of pressure to keep rates lower.
*BCBS is the most common around here because our state is crowding everyone into it. a quasi state sponsored monopoly. I have a rebellious streak that resists being herded. Also- have a friend who works the office in a health carre facility and asked her about it. She said she didn't think much of them - from her persective they do every thing possible to get out of paying claims. I suppose most of them play that game though.
*Piffin: This'll rile you up: I have long been an advocate of socialized medicine in the US. State pressure to get us covered is ok with me. One good thing about BCBS I have now is I can go to any Dr. I want.
*I can too.As the state moves towards more control and less choices the cost of coverage goes up. It is the lack of competition that does it.The other thing moving prices is lack of Tort reform. Thousands of dollars spent on tests and diagnostic procedures that are marginally indicated because Drs are trying to cover their butts from lawyers.
I'm a one man show doing smaller remodeling & renovation projects. I'm looking for health insurance for my self only. Does anyone have a preferred Health Ins. provider or experience in the best way to find a good health insurance plan? I'm thinking about just hitting some of the healthe insurance e-tailers on the web, but before I do that, I wanted to see if anyone had any advice.