I’ve recently purchased a split level that had the garage converted (about 20 years ago I’d guess) but is unheated. I’m not a big fan of rooms on slabs, and would like to know if I can do anything with radiant heat for this room and the family room next to it? Probably @ 600SF for both.
Will I get into any moisture problems? The heat in the house is baseboard hot water, but I assume I’d need a small boiler for this, unless I replace the main one.
In recent years new products have come out help just this problem. As I see it you have two ways to go for a warm and inviting floor. 1. There is a radiant floor heater that uses electricity in a small heater wire that works very well but requires a top surface like tile to complete the instalation and protect the wires. This product is produce by a number of companies and is avalable at most electrical supply outfits. 2. If you wish to use your current heat system you can have a second heat exchanger installed to be used as a raidiant floor heater. This is the cheaper way to go, you use the same boiler but a second heat exchanger and a circulator for the floor system reducing the 180 degree water down to a 85 degree that will heat the room very well. One draw back to this is the instalation. I assume the floor is not insulated so if you put down 6mil poly and ramset 3/4" strips to the floor and run the pipe about 6" to 12", depending on the climate and the insulation of the space, then cover with a sub floor you should have a warm space to call your own. You can also set the pipes in concrete if you want to but it takes some planning and you have to hold the pipes in place while you do so. If you want a small space heated and have no way to get the hot water to the floor system a small water heater can also do well with a circulation pump and temp control, all you do is reset the temp on the water heater to a lower value. I know all the heating guys will have a heart attack over this but we did it in a small outdoor shop and the system has worked for years wihtout a problem.
I've recently purchased a split level that had the garage converted (about 20 years ago I'd guess) but is unheated. I'm not a big fan of rooms on slabs, and would like to know if I can do anything with radiant heat for this room and the family room next to it? Probably @ 600SF for both.
Will I get into any moisture problems? The heat in the house is baseboard hot water, but I assume I'd need a small boiler for this, unless I replace the main one.