This summer as an intern at Fine Homebuilding I spoke with readers on the phone, responded to reader emails and often read incoming letters to the editor. I was amazed by how intellegent and quick witted our readership is. I also frequently visited Breaktime. At first I was confused, but eventually deducted that you guys just must not read the magazine.
Just Joking! This is a great place to visit for building advice as well as interesting conversation. I found myself checking in at The Woodshed Tavern very frequently while interning at FH. In fact when I found myself stumped by a reader I often suggested that they try Breaktime because I know that you fine fellows are a wealth of legitimate information.
Somehow I convinced Andy to hire me full-time and I am now the editorial assistant for the magazine. Among other things I will be taking the reins on Breaktime. I hope you will break me in easy and if I seem absent at first, it is because I’ve got a lot to get used to here.
Thanks in advance for what I’m sure will be a unique experience. –Brian
Edited 10/3/2002 1:52:13 PM ET by Brian P
Edited 10/3/2002 2:42:43 PM ET by Brian P
You'll do fine, welcome.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
welcome aboard.
Andy did tell you about all the traditions and customs, right?
If you go the the breaktimefest folder you can find out where to send the check for Texfest. Andy always went to these and charged it (and the beer) to Taunton. I'm sure you can too, Ask Andy for his charge card.
Should we email you are shirt sizes? I'll have an XL. The hats are all one size fits all. Andy said you'd send these out within a month of getting the gavel next to your name.
Oh don't worry about being broken in, we'll do our best to break you
in that is.
bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
Welcome and hopefully everyone will behave just as well as before:-)
Howdy there, Young'un!
Excellence is its own reward!
Brian, FYI, of the people who've posted so far, Tamara is the only one I'd loan a dollar until Tuesday. <G>Andy Engel, The Former Accidental Moderator
And by what measure do you make such a calumnious remark concerning our characters or honesty ?.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
he thinks the negatives were destroyedbobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
Oh ANdy THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tamara
Hey Brian -
Glad ta have ya around. Hope you enjoy this place as much as we do.
And don't believe everything they tell ya about me - She really *LOOKED* like she was 18.................(-:
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
Seriously! It's against the law for a 15 year old to get a tattoo in this state. I figured she had to be 18.
Welcome, Brian. You'll have fun here.
Remember, Good stories are seldom true
and, keep your hand on your wallet around this bunch, and count the spoons after they leave.
Hey Brian, welcome! Andy did pass on the flame-proof vest, didn't he?
"A completed home is a listed home."
Brian, I have a long list of words I'd like to not be censored. To whom do I send the list?
Your rights provided by the first amendment protect you from censorship. But likewise, as an American citizen you will be held accountable for what you say.
Anyway, send the list on to Andy. Your not going to let him get away this easily, are you?
"I stand by all the mis-statements that I've made."
brian... we're sure looking forward to meeting you in texas....Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
Brian- Newf left off screws for cabinet hanging. Be forewarned.Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
Hi Brian!
Welcome aboard! Hold on tight. Did Andy tell you the topics to avoid to prevent flame wars?
...Teachers/Private/Public schools
...Yellow tools
...Blue tools
...P.T. wood
So, I guess that leaves beer, liquor, and music...
Think First!
So Brian, Andy promoted you to moderator of Breaktime, eh? I figure in a couple of weeks you will understand what all that laughter you hear, when you leave his office, is all about.
Andy, you are evil...
Welcome, and best of luck, you'll need it;) It should be an interesting job! Oh, Newf left one of the list.
Any thread that starts with L..... ( that which we cannot speak) Trust me it will return!
I thought he wasn't coming back till monday?bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
I think brian has the bug. When his girlfriend starts complaining we'll know he's hooked.__________________________________________
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Workaholics always work on weekends.
Excellence is its own reward!
Hey Brian, welcome to the front lines and a lot of witty ones at that. I think youre safe from the slamming (cause you can censor Just try not to get in the middle of the fights here (I mean debates to put it lightly). Thats what makes this place the best site to date as far as I can tell. Its that cencoring thing and those asticks*** I cant stand. We are builders after all. Why do I have to say that that pizzs me off? LOL......Good luck
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Just in case Andy didnt tell you Your supposed to by all the drinks for the guy under the table outside the ladies room door Oh yea could ya loan me 5 bucks....
Darkworksite4: When the job is to small for everyone else, Its just about right for me"
Welcome Brian. I'm new here as well but have gotten so I check in at least once per day. Mind boggling amount of info. The most helpful, informed, and knowledgable bunch I've come across.
Salmon Falls Housewrights
There's a few words I would like to add to the censor list, if you will.
Those will do for starters.
heheheCut me some slack here
Quittin' Time
Welcome since your kinda new hear we all like beer on Frday so why not buy us a round or two or better yet...
I hesitate to correct a fellow professional, but Rez meant to say "sheetrock screws for anything except sheetrock".
deducted that you guys just must not read the magazine. You mean there's a Breaktime magazine? Does Mad magazine count?
I found myself checking in at The Woodshed Tavern very frequently while interning at FH Things were pretty slow at the office, huh? Does Andy know you screwed around that much?
you fine fellows are a wealth of legitimate information. Brown-noser. You got to watch some of the guys & gals here...they're only lying when their lips move.
I'm sure will be a unique experience. That's the most profound thing you could have said.
"I'm sure will be a unique experience"
Brian knows his tools well! He works with words. .
Excellence is its own reward!
I wonder if he lends out his tools?
Quite often, I give mine away freely.
Trouble is, almost just as often, they are unasked for. And unwanted.
And usualy worth about as much as they cost.
: )Cut me some slack here
Quittin' Time
Welcome,Brian....what the heck was I thinking?
Oh yea and I forgot, Theres this guy name Gunner now this is one unsavory character hes been 86'd out of this bar many times for chasing the bar maid (My favorite one with the missing teeth and the USMC bull dog tatoo) around. He likes to tell people hes Jim Blodgett but dont believe him... just between me and you ssshhhh.... Now about the 5 bucks could ya make it $7.50...
Darkworksite4: When the job is to small for everyone else, Its just about right for me"
Welcome! We're always happy to welcome fresh faces.
I want to point out that if you "...stand by all the mis-statements that [you've] made." then why did you edit your initial post twice??
Rich Beckman
Oh man, here we go already...Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
Good point Rich!
Best answer I can offer is that I want to be an editor, but have landed at this post for now. Therefore, until one one of you gives me the opportunity, all I can do is edit myself. "I stand by all the mis-statements that I've made."
"until one one of you gives me the opportunity, all I can do is edit myself. "
Careful how you say things around here - That sounds kinda like an invitation.................(-:
I was on a game show. When I lost, they gave me a lovely parting gift. It was a comb.
Greetings Brian.
Now that that's over let's get down to business. What do you plan to do to implement the much requested classified section of Breaktime?Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
Hey rez.....why bother asking Brian....I think I was first to ask that Andy dude a ways back about a place to sell our worn out rusty pump jacks.....we'll just get that good cop, bad cop in, "we'll, I'll swing it by Mark" wants odds on who gets censored first? I say it'll happen from a post tonight being that its Friday and the Tavern rocks on Friday night. Odds are its gonna be the Hog Man using Piffs name...excellance gets fugked once in a
Be well
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
"Odds are its gonna be the Hog Man using Piffs name...excellance gets fugked once in a"
Naw - Not me. I ain't a trouble maker. Haven't been censored yet.
Actually - The "My New Helper" pic didn't get removed when I first posted it a couple of years ago. But it DID get removed when someone else posted it a few weeks ago.
Guess that means I'm priveledged or something?
Diplomacy: After telling someone to go to hell, convincing them that they will enjoy the ride.
Lucky, more like it.
Andy Engel, The Former Accidental Moderator
Edited 10/4/2002 1:55:23 PM ET by ANDYENGEL
Let's see...
"I'm sure it will be a unique experience."
"He's got a great personality, but..."
"No, no, no, it's me, not you"
Jeez...Lee Grindinger
Furniture Carver
Hey Boss man
That "privelidged" or lucky pix post as Andy E puts it......I sent it to my wife a few weeks ago and told her I hired her to work on my new 322 year old house ( she agreed I needed to hire help after all) while she was away....She said "ha ha Andy" and went to work. Geezzzz of all the nerve......where is that chick, where ya hiding her Boss man? Huh huh?
Be well
andyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
"Now that that's over let's get down to business. What do you plan to do to implement the much requested classified section of Breaktime?"
Business! Cut me some slack, I've been here less than a week.
OK, Classifieds sound plausible.
I'll open up a thread before I leave today called "Classified." Use it to tell me about this idea, what you'd like to see, how it would operate, etc. On Monday I'll take a look and get a better feel for it.
It may take some time and I make no guarantees, but if you give me some good ideas to work with I'll see what I can do."I stand by all the mis-statements that I've made."
Brian, you just may be the man.Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
Not till he tells us what he's drinking....or even more to the point, what he's buying. I've yet to see him motion to the barkeep. Pretty damn rude, if you ask me.
Welcome to the Cuckoos nest!
I take a large T-shirt, I don't wear hats much so give mine to Newf to cover his bald spot. :)
One of the first things you need to do is take sides in some of the great (?) debates.
Ford or Chevy?
Sidewinder or Wormburner?
Tar paper or tyvek?
Should the rabbit get some Trix?
You really WANT this job?
Well one thing it won't be is Boring!!
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am a trained professional!
First mis-step, Brian.
Now we all know that you plan to be away for the weekend and not looking in 'till monday.
Oh boy is this gonna be fun!.
Excellence is its own reward!
wherw's the helper photo?bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
Welcome Brian! An 'intern'... Now, isn't that what you call a group of nails? I know a bunch of screws is called a politician...
"If left is wrong, then right is the only thing left, right?"
Hello fine folks.????
Who came in? Who ya talking to?
View Image
I don't paint things. I only paint the difference
between things.--Henri
How come you still got a little bitty hammer next to your name? Oh, I see. Brian gets the weekend off, so you're the weekend warden. Funny...don't ever remember you taking weekends off. Must be gettin soft on the new guys in your old age.
Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
yeah......right......what the heck was I thinking?
Ah, Heck, he's a dreamer!..Newf
Think First!
Hey, dat's me mudder!...Newf
Think First!
Gee, Luka, Newf's file showed up fine on my machine, but too bad, it's wasted on me. You'll just have to use your imagination.
"I don't know what you could say about a day in which you have seen four beautiful sunsets." --John Glenn
You were just seeing your reflection on the screen.
: )Cut me some slack here
Quittin' Time
Maybe with a crystal ball into the past or rose colored lenses!! "I don't know what you could say about a day in which you have seen four beautiful sunsets." --John Glenn
Hey Brian,
I've been out of town all week so I'm just catching up on what's going on. Welcome aboard. Hey by the way, Andy has some pictures in his bottom right desk drawer that he took down from here. Some of the guys were comparing helpers and Andy took them down for evaluation. It's o.k. to put them back up now. The contest is over.
Later Bud.
P.S. watch out for Teti he's dangerous if you step on his fingerts or block his view for to long.
Brian..shhhh but thats the guy.....see he claims to be Gunner but sometimes he goes by blodgett you've been warned.... Darkworksite4: When the job is to small for everyone else, Its just about right for me"
Hey, I want to know who let those dam n fine folk in!!!!???
Cheers,and welcome,Phil.
If it is to be, 'twil be done by me..