I want to. I need to. I gotta have.
A self feeding popriverter.
Hand or Gas or battery powered, no air.
Wanna collate a slew of rivets, poke and squezze, poke and squezze… reload, yeah, like that.
I have a sketch, if any one wants in.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
let’s be entrophatic, you start
Yea, put me down for 10 shares. I dont have any ideas though.
Duly noted.
I ain't kidding. A few hundred rivets gets boring, a few thousand..pergatory.
It can be done. Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
let's be entrophatic, you start
I don't do pop rivits enough to be in that position, but when I do, the same thoughts come to my mind. "There's gotta be a better way".
To the rescue....
Dammit Ralph! I lost a fortune!
And I just requested more info for a price!
2 lbs? I gotta have it...lessee the $..
I bet it is real high dollar.
Thanks. Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
let's be entrophatic, you start
Looks expensive...
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Don't be silly. (G)
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
let's be entrophatic, you start
Dustin - Couple weeks ago, in another thread, Sphere let us all know what he carried in his tool pouches. (I've got less stuff in my basement!)
He's a tool fanatic. I just want to be there the first time he takes that sucker up on the roof.
I am still tryin to break it in or destroy it, before I comment severely.
2lbs ain't nuthin if it saves feeding a riveter every 10 seconds. Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
let's be entrophatic, you start
Damn, what to do with my useless 10 shares.......
report back the price?
I'm just curious
check with a aircraft concern like Boeing and see what they use. I doubt they assemble a 747 one rivet at a time ; ) slainte, murph
That steals the joy..of thinking you created it..or causes pondering of when it was you DID .............
I love when that happens. Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
let's be entrophatic, you start