Oddly, I saved a printoff of that post in my file of “Books I Might Want To Buy Someday.” I cannot directly help you but, as you can see, Bill Conner was the author of that post.
I see Bill is still active in Breaktime so perhaps he will see this and help you with your dilemma. Otherwise, shoot him an e-mail.
Hope this helps solve the mystery.
Oddly, I saved a printoff of that post in my file of "Books I Might Want To Buy Someday." I cannot directly help you but, as you can see, Bill Conner was the author of that post.
I see Bill is still active in Breaktime so perhaps he will see this and help you with your dilemma. Otherwise, shoot him an e-mail.
Hope this helps solve the mystery.
Well - I'd swear that book is on my bookshelf right now. I'l check in the morning and if I don't post in 24 hours - email me and bug me. I have several of his books - all a little off beat but enjoyable and thought provoking - or they were when I read them.
*'Breaking New Ground' by John Cole and Charles Wing, isbn 0-87113-028-9'From the Ground Up' by John Cole and Charles Wing, isbn 0-316-15112-2'From the Walls In' by Charles Wing, isbn 0-316-94740-7All 3 are published bt Atlantic Monthly Press.Post again if this is not sufficient.In my opinbion, these are books that are oriented more to the owner-builder audience than the experienced contractor, the owner-builder a group I look forward to joining for one more effort in a few years.
On an old Breaktime post there was a reference to a book titled "From the Ground Up" by Charlie Wing.
My local bookstore's search shows that Charlie Wing did not write a book so titled. An author last-named Smith wrote one with the said title.
The original Breaktime post stated that the book was "a consise approach to wood framing". The post was in reply to an inquiry on girder sizing.
At this point I am not sure the error was made with the title or the author. Can anyone help me out?