I am working on a house that had a stack of shingles sitting on the concrete outside for about 10 years. Naturally the tar has melted into the concrete. I scraped away what I could but still about a quarter inch thick layer remains. Any suggestions on what would be the best way to remove it?
Big time thanks in advance.
Michael Owen
dry ice or heat
Don't use heat! That will just cause it to ooze into the pores of the concrete like butter on hot French bread.
Ordinary ice should get it hard enough to chip off. You really haven't scraped off all you could if you have 1/4" left. Then let it warm up and scrape some more with a razor scraper [uses disposable single edge razor blades]. The idea is to eliminate as much as possible before resorting to Step Two:
Step Two -- The Chemical attack. Tar dissolves in paint thinner which is cheap. So is kerosene [= GoofOff without the yellow food coloring and eau d'cologne]. Paint it on with a chip brush and then soaks it up with paper towels or whatever. Use to light your BBQ. Repeat as necessary.
i've known the good ole wd40 to remove tar.
a fella borrowed my circular saw to cut through a roof once, and returned it with a decorative coating of the stuff. after a good spray, it came off in chunks from the smooth metal. don't know how it would work with the toothy concrete, but i would like to know if it does.
good luck rg