There’s a thread about wooden plate on concrete floor that has pictures I can’t look at because they are too big. Could one of you guys who can resize them take a look and resize them? The poster also needs help with us looking at them to see whether they seem to show weight bearing wall or not–as this will determine what they do about it. I am having a bad mind day, so don’t recall the exact name of the post. I will edit this to do so. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: name of discussion is “Wood exposed to basement concrete floor”
Edited 2/11/2008 6:26 pm ET by Danno
Don't know where it is but , have you tried right click and open in a new window? XP SP2 automatically resizes to fit the window.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
Well, what you says works, if I had several hours I'd be able to download a photo where I can see a gnat's eyelashes! Unfortunately, I would have to move the curser all over the screen to get an idea of what the entire gnat looked like! ;-)
That only works after the file is downloaded. The originals need to be made smaller so the downloads go faster. 2 MB is way too big.
Roger that, when I was on dial up, I'd have to pass on them. I was just getting at that it will show in one screen size in a new window, without scrolling all over to see it in totality.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"