I’m kindof stuck with rewiring the boiler circuits…..
Upgraded the house to 200-amps this summer and just getting around to running new wire for the boiler.
There is a wall mounted main on/off wall switch for the boiler and two transformer boxes each controlling a circulator.
(Not sure if the on/off switch also cuts off power to the two transformers…)
Incoming power and wiring for the above three pieces are joined at a junction box.
A cable leaves the on/off switch and goes to the boiler.
I’m confused about how to wire into the old setup which is as follows:
For some reason there are two hotwires coming into the junction box.
One is connected to the hotwire for the on/off swich box and the other connected to the two hotwires for the transformer boxes.
What’s throwing me off is the neutral wire from the on/off switch is connected to the incoming hotwire/junctionbox hotwires combination.
I’m not sure how connect the new cable without changing the old setup.
Does something need to be rearranged ?
Is there a good source of info for this sort of question ?
Thanks for your help.
Try this link:
Go to "The Wall"
*(This is a duplicate from the "other" post, just in case some folks need the same info:)Phil - Sometimes it's right under my nose and I don't look around enough.Thanks for the tip.Here's my selection to get started on the light side and I will graduate to thicker books. "Quick & Basic Hydronic Controls : A Contractor's Easy Guide to Hydronic Controls, Wiring, and Wiring Diagrams" Carol Fey; Paperback;I hope this books has something on some of the controls inside a natural gas boiler, but either way I expect it to be fun reading.Take care,Alan
I'm kindof stuck with rewiring the boiler circuits.....
Upgraded the house to 200-amps this summer and just getting around to running new wire for the boiler.
There is a wall mounted main on/off wall switch for the boiler and two transformer boxes each controlling a circulator.
(Not sure if the on/off switch also cuts off power to the two transformers...)
Incoming power and wiring for the above three pieces are joined at a junction box.
A cable leaves the on/off switch and goes to the boiler.
I'm confused about how to wire into the old setup which is as follows:
For some reason there are two hotwires coming into the junction box.
One is connected to the hotwire for the on/off swich box and the other connected to the two hotwires for the transformer boxes.
What's throwing me off is the neutral wire from the on/off switch is connected to the incoming hotwire/junctionbox hotwires combination.
I'm not sure how connect the new cable without changing the old setup.
Does something need to be rearranged ?
Is there a good source of info for this sort of question ?
Thanks for your help.