niv hùi jiavng … ma?
wov bù míng bái / wov bù dovng fei- cháng gàn xìe / henv gàn xìe qivng ràng, dui bu qi. wanv shàng haov. xiv shouv jian- zai- na li? zhe yòng [hàn yuv] zen me
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
no... i know john swenson.. been posting with him a long time.. and you're no john swenson
*We should have Jimbo look at this... he's had recent experience in multi-language building applications.
*bu yong xie,niv qivng zen me. wov bù míng bái. shang haov wanv henv gan. jian-na li.Rich Beckman
*C'mon...you can't be serious!Really?
*I had one of those too, and the wheel fell off just the same. I'd take it back for a refund. Sliante.
"ma?" Not a very flattering term in several SE Asian dialects!
Yeah but it does loose something in the translating. Skip
*If anyone can identify the language, I can probably hook us up with a translator.Been here before, JonC
*Sorry, repointing the Great Wall is beyond the scope of this discussion board.
*dinky di
*The best advice I can offer is this:Suxliok Liim Poksu ti 1962 teq ciuxthok Hayviuu hag'vi Zuysarn-Zeazo-Hak He ee sii, kaosiu sor--karng eeiwkoafn Taioaan kixnhae-sengthaix ykip Taioaan sidzuun ee hii-lui, kab y ei kahiofng sor-jixmseg ee, siongzhaf thaezoe. Tarmthor goan'yn, ciaq hoatkag Hoaguo tuix suxbut kap laang ee kafmkoarn ee biausut kab kahiofng-oe u kunpurn ee zhavi. Hitsii, y ciu koatsym boeq ui Taioaan pwntor-suxbut ee kaohak khaihoad-zhud cidthox khohak-hoax ee pwntor-gwgieen kab huohap cviarkuy-bunhoad ee khawguo-bunsw- hoad. Taixhak pitgiap-cieen thongkoex tegkhor ee Liim+sy, ti ukvoaf hog'iah-soaq, ciu siuxtioh hunhoad laai Zuysarn Chiegiam-sor Tailaam-hunsor hogbu, hixnzai si Chiegiam-sor Giefnkiux-oaan. Ti cit'ee kikafn, y tittioh Jidpurn Tankviaf Taixhak ee Longiap Phoksu hag'ui, ia tamjim-koex Tiongbie-Ciw Honduras Kioxnghoo-kog Higiap-thoaan Thoantviuo, Kohioong- Chi Hee-lui Hoan'iofngsit Hiabhoe Kofbun, Tailaam- Chi Higiap-Zugoaan Pofiok Hiabhoe Korbun kab Hayviuu Taixhak Hux-kaosiu terng khohak hagsut kangzog, hoatpiao-koex giefnkiux-luxnbuun, zoantoee-giefnkiux-porkox cviazoe phvy. In'ui ciah'eehagsut-sengciu, ciu siuxphexng zox Taioaan Hoanpor Lienbeeng Hagsut Uy'oaan, Taioaan Kaosiu Hiabhoe Cip'heeng Uy'oaan, Phvi'oo-Koan zernghuo Korbun, ykip Tailaam-Koan Zernghuo Hoanpor-Phengkof Uy'oaan. Liim Phoksu ti hagsut-giefnkiux kab hengzexng- giabbu ee tiongkafn, sisioong kietid taixhak-sitai ee siokgoan, ciuxsi boeq kiernlip hiexntai-hoax ee Taioaan-laang khawguo-buun. Y ee zoeazar ee chiethaxm si 1975-nii ti haygoa kangzog ee sizun. Y chiesair khawguo-thea ee hiexntai-sy, ciu liawkae-tioh cidhang suxsit, ciuxsi khawguo-thea ee Taiguo ciaq si thafng chionghwn piwtat cinzeeng ee gwgieen. Jixzap-nii-laai, keasiok loflek ee kietkor, Liim Phoksu jukym ykefng cviazox zernglaang sofzay ee Taibuun zokkaf. Y bad tamjim Aehiofng Bunkaux Kikym-hoe Tarngsu kab Taiguo-buun Thuikorng Hiabhoe Toexji-jim Hoextviuo. Y ee loflek ciofng si e-cidtai Taioaan-zwlte ee hibang.Pete
*Pete, honestly I agree... though you were a bit long-winded about it.Can't wait to see the article... you've got photos with that, right?-G.
*Pete:Your advice to yù jiàn niv clearly shows your lack of experience in this area. You never vent a Buddist Monistary! The capillary action interferes with the vibes.
*Pete,You're right on Bubba, except it was 1963.Ed.
Ya gotta quit using that spell check
Your way outa line here.
Not only are you using the wrong dialect (looks more like Korean than Cantonese)but your gonna offend this guy bigtime. I mean tellin the guy his idea suxbut, and if he doesn't use biscuits he's a "Taiwan punter like Hubcap" is pretty insulting. I didn't get that part about titcity and the Honduras, but Phoksu is the same in any language.
Bunkaux Kikym-hoe to you too(o)
Ni hao,
henv gao- xìng yù jiàn niv. xiv shouv jian- zai- na li? míng xìn piàn yóu tài hé fav shí wù. zhe shi shen me? mav líng shuv qingv jíe zhàng. ni jie- shòu xìn yòng kav ma? Pete Draginic? wov maiv. ni jie- shòu xìn yòng kav ma? jia- qinv niú roù miàn bao-. liuv yóu wèn xún chù.
turn off the encryption tool.
*RJT,You gotta dig out your old Buck Rogers decoder ring.Then it makes perfect sense.Ed. Williams
*Choui oui.. Dinky dow
*First clues:The Language is Mandarin.The subject of the post is "nice to meet you" ("henv gao- xìng yù jiàn niv.")More clues later,Pete
*bu yong xie,Hui/ nin/ dongv Ying-wen/. Wov men/ bu/ dongv niv de wen/. Xie/xie,Pete Draganic
*here's the entire rough translation of the original post:---> You able to speak?I no bright white. I no air long with thanks. Very with thanks request people. I'm sorry. Evening OK, like hand meet at force. This use [and have] how about speak. <---Remember, do not blame the messenger. I just report it as I get it. This here secret decoder ring is looking more and more valuable everyday.If any of you can make better sense of this, please do.Pete(I've got to go decypher the other message now)
*Second message decyphered:--->You good,Very happy fish meet you. Like hand meet at there? Bright like cheap also too drink turn over 5. Potato please street flat. you street use drive. Pete Draganic? I buy you street hand new use open home invite butter bread. Orange also language student go out.<---Once again, make of it what you will.Pete
*Are you guys aware this same character is posting in Yiddish (according to GWC) at the cooks board?
*pete... you got the literal..idiomatically, he says he's very interested in meeting and will see you at Petefest to (((butter bread))if you want to test the waters.. tell him to send the check....hah, hah, hah
*Pete, Claire looked at it early on... in her rudimentary Mandarin, it was about as clear as yours. Huh? If you get my drift.
*Ahhhh... what does (GWC) know? The guy doesn't even eat bagels... eh?
*I thought he saud that he was very happy to meet me and wnated to go fishing and buy me a cheap fifth of liquor to drink, preferably something made from potatoes. Then he wanted to buy my street and have an open house with buttered bread for snacks. Then he summed it all up by saying that he not only speaks Mandarin but is a student in speaking Orange. I guess that last part is obvious, given the close relationship between Mandarins and Oranges. See how much clearer things are when you come back to them the next day with a fresh head?Pete
*ye gads - once ya give a guy a translation program, yer in for it!
*both my wheels fell off. sh*t!
*i thought something looked familiar.
*Starting the party a little early, eh Pete. Let's try to keep a clear head. Turn on the porchlight now so you don't forget. Later
*Pete,It's Vietnamese. And he don't want to "butter" your bread if you get my drift.Looks like you got a boy friend.Ed.
*Ni Hao?Wo bu dong. Qing shou Ying-wen. Xie-xie ni.Ralph
Kichu Mone Korben na,
Ami Buzhlam na Apnar Nam ki? Porichito hoye valo laglo. Ei ayak rokom asi arki Onugraha kore. Dan dike Az rater jonne khali room ase ki? Dukkhito! khali room nei Patal Rel. Ozasro Dhanyabad.
I just realized it's the new 2000 UBC!
*bu yong xie,It is a cowardly act to make fun of someone to their face while hiding behind language/s that are unknown to the victim.
*FWIW,My post (25) is real Chinese. It says "Hello. I don't understand. Please speak English. Thank you.Whatever has been coming across, especially the last post (26) is nonsense. Although my language search has not really been exhaustive, the language recognition software I accessed could not determine anything (said it might be Indonesian). Cross referencing with various dictionaries turned up no word matches in Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Japanese.If it is a real language, post which one. It is fun to attempt real communication in different languages but if it's not real it's just a pain in the ass and wearing a little thin.Waiting for an honest answer.Xie-xie ni, Ralph
*Exactly.Well put.Since the first post, I have tried for at least a half hour each time I log on, (several times a day), to figure out what is being said. Sometimes longer. Three times, for more than an hour and a half each time. I have pored through countless translators and dictionaries. As near as I can come to an answer is that someone is making fun of the people who post here, and that they are using slang from several different languages to do so. Every other word or phrase or sentence could be slang from a different language.
*Dicky again?
*His language really does seem to be Mandarin. I did locate a Mandarin - English dictionary online and used it to tell bu yong xie that we do not understand him and speak english, as Rich did.The link to the Mandarin-English dictionary is:Mandarin - English dictionaryPete
*bu yong xie--du monyu.
*No, no. Not me. I figured the initial post was gibberish so my post is even more gibberish (randomly selected words and phrases from the initial post). Then I regretted doing that (what do I know, maybe it's on the level?). So now I'm rooting for it to be gibberish.With the slashes thrown in there, I wonder if it could be a poem from long enough ago that the language is to the modern as old english is to english...? Rich Beckman
*relax; that last post was completely different. And I'm not kidding; he's posting in Yiddish at Cooks Talk.
*This has got to be the most off-the-wall thread I've come across.
First posts were Mandarin Chinese, last post was Bengali, spoken in India, Singapore, and bangledash. The wonders of the internet.
*Oh Yeah,Have fun at the Petefest. Toss a dwarf for me!
AH HA!!! I think I am on to something here. I am almost certain he's typing in english this time around. I'll run some of the words from his last post through my translator and see if my hunch is correct.
Pete "Dragnet"
*Those slashes actually appear to be a character in Mandarin. Also the "v" at the end of some words is a special character that looks like a "v" but is either capitalized or higher than the rest of the letters.My first response was some paragraphs form a Chinese website that I cut and pasted but the following posts I tried to actually say something.
*bu yong xie,But what are the translations?Rich Beckman
*Nope. Yer wrong about that one, at least, Pete.I had my own suspicions too, so I ran the first one through a translator. Well, several translators, really. Here is what I found.English to French.Bonjour! Les premières distributions étaient mandarine chinoise, dernier poteau étaient bengali, parlé l'Inde, au Singapour, et le bangledash. Les merveilles de l'Internet.Back to English, then to Spanish.Hola! Las primeras distribuciones eran mandarina china, poste pasado eran la India bengalí, hablada, en Singapur, y el bangledash. Maravillas del Internet.Back to English, then to German.Hallo! Die ersten Verteilungen waren die Mandarine, die, letzter Pfosten chinesisch ist, waren bengalí Indien, gesprochen, in Singapur und im bangledash. Wunder des Internets.Back to English, then to Italian.Ciao! Le prime distribuzioni erano il Mandarine, che è alberino cinese e posteriore, erano bengalí parlato India, a Singapore e nel bangledash. Miracolo del Internets.Back to English, then to Portuguese.Hello! As primeiras distribuições eram o mandarin, aquele que é chinês e o eixo posterior do acionador de partida, bengalí era India falado, a Singapore e no bangledash. Miracle do Internets.Finaly, back to English for good.Hello! The first distributions were the Mandarin, that one that is Chinese and the posterior axle of the start paddle, bengalí were said India, the Singapore and in bangledash. Miracle of the Internets.Or... Not so good. As you can see, it comes out just so much gobble-de-gook. If it had been real English in the first place, it would have stood up to this scientific test.So c'mon, level with us bu yong xie, You're some sort of commie pinko spy aren't you ? Your mission is to gather as much info about the American coffee break and the use of tape measures as ear cleaners and ladder hooks as possible, then you and your compadrés will invade here and take all our jobs, right ???P.S. I agree with Rich... Translations please. : )
*Yours was the cheap one then. Mine lasted a week and a half. Looks like we both got suckered, but you worse than me! :-/ Sliante.
*Luka,Well I get what I deserve for not going the scientific way about things. Always in a hurry, jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions. Serves me right. I'll have to work on that.Pete
*Hello.Sort of a zany thread. However, for those interested, the original post translates as follows (as far as I can tell):{Ni hui jiang ma?} Do you know how to speak [mandarin]{wo bu ming bai} I don't understand -or- I am not clear{wo bu dong} I don't comprehend -or- I don't understand{fei chang gan xie} extreme and grateful thanks{hen gan xie} very grateful thanks{qing rang } please yield/give way (this is the only one I'm not sure of){dui bu qi} I am sorry{wang shang hao} good evening/good night{xi shou jian zai na li} where is the washroom?The "v" represent the "third" tone in Mandarin, which dips and then rises. All of the lines are contemporary Mandarin, so I don't think they come from an ancient poem. They are profound though, to say the least. Apologies if any of this seems obvious. At last, this is the place I finally found the connection between undergrad studies in Chinese history, and grad school in architecture.
Sounds to me like references to standard phrases that a foreign traveler might get out of a guide book.? miracle of the internet/pc - cut and paste.
Great thread!!!!
near the HO Chi Min TRail, by teh stream
*I must say I am ROTFLMAO!you know it is funny when you are alone and you start laughing out loud (laughing so hard I'm cryin')thanx for the good laughJeremy
niv hùi jiavng ... ma?
wov bù míng bái / wov bù dovng fei- cháng gàn xìe / henv gàn xìe qivng ràng, dui bu qi. wanv shàng haov. xiv shouv jian- zai- na li? zhe yòng [hàn yuv] zen me