The program on HGTV about Buddy Rhodes Studio? What a great show! The one thing that caught my attention was how he got the veining effect. He used a very dry cement mix that looked like “cold grits”, (yes, I’m from South Ga, wanna fight about it!) but it was put into the inverted molds and hand pressed into place and NOT vibrated… or that is what I gathered. The texture of the dry mix left voids/veins in the surface of the cured slab. He then used a contrasting color “special mix” slurry to trowel over the flat slab surface into the veins (ah-ha!) It was then polished to a uniform finish.
Can you shed anymore light on this? If anyone needs to see a bowl of cold grits call me in the morning, I’ll send you the breakfast leftovers!
Would that be with or without real butter ?
*We' got both... you on that damn sugar busters diet?
*Diet ?What's involved ?Used to get good grits for breakfast in North Houston in the mid-80's.Real everything.Yum yum...The Buddy Rhodes studio piece - was it featured as part of one of their regular programs ?I would love to catch this and send a tape of it to a friend in France - a concrete enthusiast.
*That's an often-used technique, I wouldn't be suprised if he's the originator.A somwehat stiff mix, hand-packed. The trick is his touch. A consistent mix and sure fingers massage each handful of concrete just so. Then after removing the cast from the form, make 2 or 3 applications (letting each application cure before adding the next) of colored slurry to add additional color in the voids that resulted from hand-packing.Then grind it smooth. I'd like to have seen the segment.
*Hi Alan,Actually, the diet, (like all diets) work if you don't cheat. A friend of mine went from 175lbs to 140 in about 3 months. He's constantly badgering me and bragging about it. Now he cheats some and still drops some if he's not careful. No breads, no sugars, or anything with bread or sugar in it, no corn, NO GRITS!, etc... I really miss ice cream... He calls me sugar belly. The Buddy Rhodes thing was part of a regular segment I think. I was hoping someone else had seen it and could tell me which show it was. I'll go to the website and see if I can find it. I'm sure they'll show it again.Bill
*Contacted Buddy Rhodes... they taped the show last year for a Modern Masters segment, (after seeing it I think he is a modern master). I emailed hgtv for a video or time for next run, but haven't gotten a reply yet.Bill