SYSOP: I am having a continual problem w/ logging in. About half the time after I click on Breaktime, it skips the login page & goes directly to the forum. Then when I click on login, and do it, there is no acknowledgement that I have done so.
The other half the time, it won’t even let me log in.
Don Reinhard
If you click on the "My Forumns" button. that should at least let you know if you're logged in or not...
A: So men can remember them.
You've probably been etchin' that scratch too much
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
Touche', Mr. Piffin Cat!Great pun. Made my day.DonThe GlassMasterworks - If it scratches, I etch it!
There has been a lot of trouble laely with what I think is the cookies here. I often click on a title link on th eleft column and while it might state that there are six new messages in let's say - a 98 message thread, it will take me to the beginning again instead of to where I had left off reading.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Have you tried my advice to rez?
I've ended up just viewing the recent discussion list then clicking the threads in their individual categories instead of thru the 'recent d'.
Or clicking them direct if the thread is under 20 posts, thus permitting access to viewing the new posts by being able to scroll down to them without needing to click to the next page.
Looks to be a number of ways to adapt but why the problem in the first place and the complete silence from the administrators in addressing the issue?
One would think that they might at least acknowledge the fact that they are aware of the situation.
'Wheeeeeere's the be-ef?'
Edited 1/2/2005 3:16 pm ET by rez
Well, you can always demand your money back.One of the big name bloggers quit a couple months ago. He said, "I've learned something interesting: if you give away ice cream, eventually a lot of people will complain about the flavors, and others will complain that you aren't also giving away syrup and whipped cream and nuts."
ya, but...
this was a feature that was working till a month ago - do you think Taunton negotiated a lower price for the forum if that feature were disabled? - - I doubt it - no reason it shouldn't still work -
if SYSOP would acknowledge something like "ya, it's not working, we notified despairo but the're slow jerks, work around it, the forum is still 'free'", then we wouldn't wonder if the administration is even aware of the problem...
"there's enough for everyone"
But it is not a universal problem.I don't see it.Yes, every once in a while when after I would read a thread it would still show the same message as being new. But 2 or 3 refreshed and it would clear up. But was not common.In fact for me the forum is working better than ever.I have often run into times where I would have to click on a message 3, 4, 5, 6 or more times before it would deliver it.Have not seen that for a month or so.
Yeah, what you said. All of it.Same here.
The person you offend today, may have been your best friend tomorrow
same here..acting way too goofy..and it's trashing the spelling on all of piffen's posts too.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I'll just do it>
Well, now that all you terrorists have hijacked the thread - I NEVER have all the problems you guys are talking about. I just have a pain in the patootie w/ logging in - which has corrected itself since I b - itched.Thanks, guys for fixing my problem, whatever you did.Back to scratching glass.DonThe GlassMasterworks - If it scratches, I etch it!
glad to have helped..carry on.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I'll just do it>
But it is not a universal problem.
I don't see it.
because it works or because you avoid it?
does the entry page with 'recent discussions' and 'member visits' show the threads to which you have posted and which messages you have read?
do you use a browser other than microsoft? - - as far as I can tell, despairo software is designed for MS, and to have the full range of features, you have to run MS...
"there's enough for everyone"
Well I am not sure of the exact problem that you are seeing. But this is what I am seeing.But I use this for a link directly into Breaktime. No I am not using the MS virus magnet.Right now I am using a special IBM branded browse, but it is based on a Mozilla code base. I was normally using a more uptodate version of Mozilla.I lost a harddrive with my OS on it and right now I working with 1/2 system. And the browser is really acting up on some sights (some of those with java script). But AFAIK the only feature that is only available to MicroCr*p users is the ability to put colors and different fonts in the message without resorting to html tags.Now I have notice that Breaktime works the oposite of most other web site where you are registered.most sites if the site reconizes you from the cookies then it automatically lets you back in (unless you have logged out). But if it does not then directs you to a login/registration screen.Breaktime is backwards. If it reconizes you from the cookies then it presents a login screen (and filled in, but this might be from the browsers password manager - I don't remember) and ask you to confirm.Then it takes you directly to the main message screen with the Unread Messages option selected and which ever the last unread message showing.All of my High Interest and which messages have been read are correct. Now if the cookies had been corrupted then the operation is different. You go straight to the welcome screen and then when you hit Message go to the main screen, but it does not know you and it is displaying All Messages. Of course since it does not know you it can't know which messages are high interest or you have read.If you then hit log in it will take you to the registration screen. Hit already registered and you hit the login screen.Log in and then it reverts back to the Unread Messages (or it might be to the last option that you selected. I alway use Unread Message and if I switch to another always return back to Unread Messages). And it now knows who I am and displays the unread messages, the correct number of new message and High Inerest message. That inforamation (along with preference, etc) appear to be saved on Presperos servers and not your cookies.You cookies only tell it who you are.How in the past I have had a problem with some sites locking up my broswer and when i had to kill it it almost always kill the Breaktime cookies. But never seem to bother anothers (that I could reconize, other sites that I have been logged into reconized me).So I reconize that when it displays ALL MESSAGES that I am not logged in.But this is a long time characteristic in the way that it works.As I said earlier the problems that I have seen in the past of having to click many times to get a new thread or a picture or to post a message, etc seems to be largely gone.
do you use a browser other than microsoft? - - as far as I can tell, despairo software is designed for MS, and to have the full range of features, you have to run MS...
I haven't used IE for a year. MyIE2 works great here. No longer remember who recommended it, but thank you, much prefer it. Occasionally I get a cookie error, like Pif, but it's rare. Works just fine w/o MS.PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
But it is not a universal problem....."
Correct. Just to add, I have found that going to other sites with Prospero "style" looking forums really can mess up my settings here. It gets worse if two browser windows open to two different forums simultaneously. My wife (the IT person in the family LOL) says it's because of the wrong cookies being read.
Not really much one can do.............Not
it's you rez...
not the forum...
and I ate it...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Hello All,
Sorry folks just checking in after the holidays it appears that the problem is still here. I will be speaking with Prospero this morning and will hopefully have an answer for you shortly.
A little feedback would be help to trouble shoot this problem:
1. What system you on? Mac/Pc? Whats the OS?
2. What Browser/Version you running?
3. Have you tried clearing out your Prospero cookies and see if that resolved the problem?
I have both a Mac and Pc and have not see this issue happen. Running Safari, Mozilla and Firefox. And of course it never happens with IE...
More TK
[email protected]
PC, Win XP pro, IE - 6.0.26
yes, temporary files are deleted routinely, I have logged out and logged back in on several occasions to no effect...
to be clear, once into the forum, the system of keeping track of 'unread messages' and 'high interest' associated with my personal account work near perfectly - - if I spend time reading/posting and then click on 'Breaktime' near the top of the screen to go back out to the entry page (which enables me to see which threads have had posts since I entered) those thread titles do not display 'high interest' and if I slide my cursor over them, the display indicates all posts are 'new' to me - clicking on a thread will take me to post #1, even if I have read it already -
on the entry page, some titles are in red (maroon maybe?) and some in black - I haven't figured out any signifigance to that yet...
in the big picture it rates as no more than a minor annoyance - - but just like any tool, it's nice to have it fully functioning...
thanks - DOUD
"there's enough for everyone"
David,Thanks for the feedback, every little bit helps to provide a reason as to why something is happening now we just need to figure out the "how to fix"...
-MSYSOP[email protected]
Well we wont hear anything today as I forgot Prospero is closed today but will be open tomorrow so will let you know ASAP when I hear back from them. Till then... -MSYSOP[email protected]
thanks Mark...
not a big deal...
"there's enough for everyone"
Hey while we are at it..
how come when I and some other posters edit a message, our signatures revert to plain text?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I'll just do it>
"how come when I and some other posters edit a message, our signatures revert to plain text?"
I don't know the reason, but I know how to work around it.
When you click on the edit button, you get a bunch of text in a box. Highlight all that text, right-click on it, and pick "copy".
Then hit the "Edit HTML version" button.
Hightlight all the text in the new message window, then right-click on it and hit "paste".
That seems to work for me...
I smile because I have no idea what's going on.
thank you boss.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I'll just do it>
when you edit are you doing so in source mode? You on a Mac? SYSOP[email protected]
No, just a PC with IE XP Home.I don't know about source, just hit edit, add to the text and repost..lemme see..
EDIT: it shows edit HTML version but I don't touch that..should I?Spheramid Enterprises Architectural WoodworksI'll just do it>
Edited 1/3/2005 4:25 pm ET by SPHERE
The technical behind it is that your killing the html tags, I will see if I can duplicate it and come up with a solution. -MSYSOP[email protected]
OK I see what you are talking about or at least part of it.That display is not truely "new posts" or at least not new to YOU. I don't know what the logic is for that.What I do is to is go to the top of the page Show Discussions and with Unread Message showing hit GO.That refreshes the thread list and any threads will new post or unread messages will move to the top of the list. One other big difference between that and the front page is that it not a single list, but you need to go down to each folder.Also from time to time I will do a Unread Messages to ME and a High Interest Message to see if there are anything that has slipped by and far down the list.
ya - like I say - in the big picture this is hardly signifigant...hate to complain about something so petty on a 'free' site when there are hundreds of thousands of people dealing with loss of life....
but on the other hand, I spent a little time yesterday tweaking my chainsaws - cleaning filters, replace a missing screw on a muffler, clean/file the bar and chain as needed etc - nothing like a tool in top operating condition (now, if it would stop raining and freeze up so I could get out and use them...) - - I'm sure Taunton is paying enough for this software - no reason it shouldn't work properly -
"there's enough for everyone"
Have same setup as DavidDoud.
Deleteing temp files and cookies show no change.
Thanks rez...SYSOP[email protected]