There’s a vendor located in Portland Oregon that I have done some business with…House of Antique Hardware…I was introduced to them by my client who did some web surfing and found door hinges that they liked. I have also bought fancy switchplates from them. The quality is good and the prices are fair. Service sux. I have called a couple of times to check on order status, and it’s like pulling teeth to get an answer. They are friendly, but apparently not concerned about providing information.
Ordered some hinges (second order) and they said that the hinges would be shipped to them from the mfgr in a week, then they would re-ship to me. This particular mfgr would not ship directly to me, as others have for other items from this vendor. Well the hinges are a week overdue, so I called for a status report. After many questions trying to identify the order, they tell me that the hinges should be received by them about Thursday and then they will be re-shipped. Why the week-plus delay? Don’t know. Ok, what’s my order number so next time I can get a quicker answer? Don’t know, they tell me. Why not? Well, it’s a backorder and the info is somewhere on a status board and I (the sales rep) can’t get to it.
I have had problems trying to get a staus report, and they tell me that they can’t search the ordre info using my shipping address…they have to have the order number. Sounds like a lame excuse.
There’s a second order overdue. Ordered some switchplates last week, was told they would be shipped Friday, and I paid extra for second day delivery. Also bought some plats from another vendor the same day, and they arrived today. On the phone this evening he tells me that the order did ship Friday the 30th by second day shipment, but beyond that he doesn’t know anything. So why did I bother to pay extra for better delivery?
Sorry for the rant, but I’m a bit frustrated with their lack of service, and wanted to make my feelings known.
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell’em “Certainly, I can!” Then get busy and find out how to do it. T. Roosevelt
An update, and more info...
No package much for 2nd day delivery. So...I called the office tonight (late afternoon their time). Bit of a mixup in went out by ground, won't arrive until Friday. Well, that won't be the first thing that didn't meet schedule on this project. They offered to refund the difference in shipping cost.
Something that I had noticed before, when I received the packages, the packing slip / receipt was hand written. Thought that was a nice personal touch.
The owner of the company got on the phone tonight...his choice, I didn't ask for a supervisor or anything, I actually had my good manners on :) He explained their operation and recent growth, there's about a dozen employees, and admitted that the order system is not computerized, but they have a plan in place to modernize in 3-4 months. We had a nice conversation, he apologized, and I appreciated his time and honesty. And I stand by what I said in the original post: good products, fair prices, friendly staff. BTW, he said that someone had forwarded him a link to the original message.
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell'em "Certainly, I can!" Then get busy and find out how to do it. T. Roosevelt