House plans – who adds the HVAC
My house was built in 84 from plans purchased from a local “plan company” that does plans.
2 story, open floor plan, 2 HVAC units 3 1/2 ton downstairs, 2 ton up.
Who typically specifies the location and sizes of HVAc on homes built from plans ??
An architech? someone else?
Here, the HVAC sub does it.
Comes onsite when house is dried in, and marks and cuts all the vents, locates the thermostat, etc.
The HVAC contractor... who , hopefully is qualified to do that ... it's a specialty field , so a typicl architect will sub that spec out to a good HVAC engineer or contractor
Usually, the HVAC installation in a residence is done without a plan or specification. Low bidder does enough to get by and that's it. Vey few buyers are willing to pay for mechanicals done right and get what they pay for. I am hired on occasion by an architect in town to provide mechanical, electrical and plumbing design, but only for very high end homes or for an owner who has had a poor system in the past.