Hey I’ve got a flooring problem in a passive solar house built in 1985. Our small kitchen/dining area is 1/2 regular ply-wood sub floor and 1/2 cement slab for the heat sink. We have level floor on the far sides of each type of flooring but the problem is in the center where the two floors meet. We have an unfortunate 1/2″ high ridge that is about 3 1/2′ to 4′ wide and runs the length of our room. We want to install the Pergo type flooring but the uneven level is too great. I don’t care as much about keeping the integrity of the heat sink as much as I care about a new flooring choice. (The flooring company says not to install the planks over wood sub floors on top of concrete though). We have talked about pouring some thin set concrete, installing 1/4″ plywood on either side of the ridge and using floor patch to level that off, we’ve even talked about renting a cement planer to bring the cement side down…. We are stumped really as it is a problem with two types of flooring in a small space.
Please Help us keep our marriage intact, this problem feels daunting,
I wonder why you have a ridge. has something shifted since it was built?
Why laminate flooring?
A floor grinder would be my choice, althouygh it would be messy. If you have the headroom, sleepers shimmed, leveled, and nailed to the floor would also work well, with a layer of 3/4 ply on top and then nail-down flooring.
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt