I was hoping someone can answer some questions for me.
What potential problems will a builder run into, trying to build a brick home or apt on a property that is solid stone?
What kind of equipment would be used to chip large sections,
to run plumbing to the main water & sewer lines?
What would be the correct method of installing a foundation?
Harry NYC
Billy, how about a little more info? What kind of 'solid stone' - a single, huge monolithic block of granite, sandstone, shale, lots of huge boulders?? Is the surface relatively flat? What's the climate like? Talked to an engineer yet? Building dept? Municipal water and sewer or well and septic system?
*all good points by Don.ask a local excavator as well- mebbee twoyou need the opinion of a sight guy that's worked your area to avoid getting bit. Coming out of the ground is where all the mystery in new builds is- GIVE YOURSELF A CUSHION!!!hope i didn't yell too loudhub
*unless it's shale.. in which case a traxcavator might rip it.. you'll probably have to blast..two choices..1) pin it to the rock..or ..2 )overexcavate and float it on a cushion of crushed stone...i prefer #2
*If solid rock, why not pin to rock, insulate foundation walls to rock, and not excavate or blast at all? I suspect damp-proofing will be essential.
*if you overexcavate you can bring it back to grade with crushed stone.. and you can run a drainage system and a radon mitigation system in the crushed stone..if you pin to the bedrock, you have to jump the forms over the bedrock ups'n downs...,you will have to contend with any ground water seeping from the rock and you will lose elevation inside your foundation...pinning to the rock would be my last choice..
*How did the other builders do it in your neighborhood?Gabe
*I'm on an island in Maine and we build on ledge all the time. Just need a jackhammeer to layin the underground utilities. Drill and epoxy pin to base if on slope for footings.
I was hoping someone can answer some questions for me.
What potential problems will a builder run into, trying to build a brick home or apt on a property that is solid stone?
What kind of equipment would be used to chip large sections,
to run plumbing to the main water & sewer lines?
What would be the correct method of installing a foundation?
Harry NYC