Getting ready to install individual cedar shakes on a sidewall application(over sheathing). Would like to buy a nail gun of some sort to do it.
I’ve used a crown stapler with galvanized staples before and it works pretty good. Also seem to remember using a roofing nailer awhile back. Both cost near $300. Could probably use the roofing nailer for more things in the future than the stapler but don’t remember if roofing nails work good on shakes.
Or should I hand nail, if so what kind of nails?
didn't you just ask this exact same question a few days ago?
Try the search, we've had variations of this discussion four times in the last three weeks now, counting you
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I am not sure about the guns but if you hand nail, stainless steel nails, ring shank. About $39.00 for 5 lbs.
Either get a siding nailer- Hitachi makes a nice one- or if your gonna hand nail, use SS ring shank nails.
Second thoughts- what exposure are you running? Will the nails be exposed, or will they be covered by the lap?
If the nails are exposed, definitely use the SS ring shanks. If they're covered, I usually use 4d galv. commons.