Just watching the news which now has a segment on shady business people. The one tonight was about a homeowner who wanted a addition on his house. After gathering bids from various contractors he settled on the second lowest. The contractor said he had been burnt before and asked for $12k up front. And you know what, he hasn’t been since. Why!! I ask would you do that. The contractor did put a footing on grade to boot that was so crooked that I only could match if I had drank 2 bottles of whiskey even then I thing I could bet it straighter. The contractor has a dozen complaints and the better business bureau.
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Some contractors, such as myself, on some jobs, will not start unless a deposit is made to cover materials. An addition can easily use 12K worth of material. I'm not in the business of financing your project. I'm not your bank. Some contractors are. Too bad this particular contractor ran off, but I have to wonder at the competence of the client. A dozen complaints with the BBB? I think that should have been a red flag, right? Oh, the client didn't bother to check? Expensive lesson.
I was "investigated" by one of the local "investigative news teams" a few years ago. I satisfied them sufficiently that other people in that news room havew since hired me to do inspections.
I asked them how many of their investigations don't find any problems with the businesses being investigated. They told me most, but there was no way they were going to do a show on all of the baseless complaints they get from kook consumers!
that's sad about not doing a showboblVolo Non Voleo 8Joe's cheat sheet
>I was "investigated" by one of the local "investigative news teams" a few years ago.
You'd think the liberal media would at least back someone of their own philosophy. What's this world coming to?
>You'd think the liberal media would at least back someone of their own philosophy. What's this world coming to?
The only liberal broadcast media I've run across is in the crossed-eyed vision of the conservatives.
The media I actually experience is pretty centrist to conservative.
When's the last time you heard some tin-horn broadcast opionator ranting and raving about the conservatives? (Which reminds me, time for a haircut and my regular dose of Rush on my barber's radio. See, I think conservatives are good for something <G,D&R>
FWIW, Bob, I agree (not about the barber bit--mine wears a pony tail, so he must be gay. But he's older and married w/ a ponytail so he must be liberal. But he was once robbed, so he must now be conservative. But he had a heart attack and needed the health care system, so he must be liberal again. God, it's so confusing when I try to stereotype.)
When my sister visits, she fusses whenever I leave Peter Jennings come on right after our local news (my neighbor's the newscaster, so we like to watch the most local channel). I don't get her disdain--it's just a talking head, fer chrissakes. Guess it all depends on perspective. My biggest problem is with all the stereotyping of people, and especially the negativity attached to anyone who's not "me". You aren't a liberal, you're a narrow minded liberal. You aren't a conservative, you're an, etc, etc. I had too much of that growing up, and the older I get the less and less I respect those views. Most people are way too complicated for such simple-minded characterizations.
It's sad to say,but most of the people that i've come in contact with that have money got it by doing things two ways :ripping the honest working man off-or suing someone.the first couple of jobs that i did were almost free.Iwould pay the guys what they had comming and the rest paid for materials.i'ts a good learining experience,a costly one but you learn quick. or you go broke real fast. How can some people look you right square in the eye and say ''shure i'm going to pay you''.Ican spott them a mile away now. so bid em high &get half down for those ''shady'' customers!!!