How to Attach Shed Foundation to House Foundation

I am going to build two 4’x12’ sheds attached to the exterior of the house (per HOA requirements). The house is wood framed above concrete filled cinder block on concrete footer foundation with external wood “log siding” (shaped 2x8s) and with partial crawlspace/basement. I will remove the siding and attach the shed walls directly to the house walls, and then re-side. The question is how to handle the concrete foundations. One shed will be against crawlspace/basement wall, one will be against same foundation but slab over soil (garage) area. The house is in the White Mountains in AZ, soil is clay loam to sandy loam. My thought is that since the shed walls are attached to the house, the shed concrete floors/foundations should also be attached to the house, rather than independently float. Do you agree or disagree? Assuming the foundations should be attached, I was going to drill holes into the concrete filled cinder block and concrete house foundation walls and insert/dowel rebar into the drilled holes (in the crawlspace/basement area I can through bolt if desired). I would be very interested in any comments you may have, or in details regarding how this should be done. Thank you in advance for your replies.