My current project is renovation of the third floor of a 100-year-old home. In the old bathroom on the third floor, accessible only by a winding staircase, is a 6-foot cast-iron tub, and three feet (should be four feet, of course, but one was a 2×4 instead).
THere’s no way of getting that tub out in one piece with the manpower that I have available. I have tried hitting it real hard with a maul (wood splitting tool), but it didn’t break the tub. I want to break it or cut it, and take it out in pieces.
Does anyone have a suggesion as to how to demolish it?
Thanks for your help,
Bob Chapman
Keep hitting it with that maul. Repeated blows to the same spot should produce a crack.Cover it up first those sharp chips hurt when they get down your shirt.
This may be one of those situations where a bigger hammer really is the right answer. Or rent a roto-hammer.
The big hammer treatment is in order, but flip the tub upside down so all the porcelan chips don't hit you. Oh, and wear ear protection.
upside down ,a blanket to cover, start on a corner, with a heavy sledge/ maul and keep swingin' i have cut one up with a sawzall went threw a fortune in blades. once the integrity is breached it's a little easier. Bear
Ditto the above solutions. Cover, because the porcelain chips are essentially glass. Ten pound sledge should do the trick- wail on that pup! Should be able to break it up into the size pieces you want to get it down the stairs.
Above all- WEAR EYE PROTECTION! Take it from someone who's been there done that and has lost an eye!
Ken Hill
no do not try to break it take an old skillsaw with grinder type metal cutting blades and cut it in half cover the area so sparks do not damage anything dont try to lift this if you value your back a tub like that weighs about 500 lb
ditto the saw. Lose the sledge.......get a cheap abrasive blade.....circular saw it into a coupla pieces.......very loud....very quick...very easy...........
I lay them upside down....then just cut long ways then around the short way. If ya really wanna hit it.......make the cuts and leave the lip......then give it a smack or 2.
4 pieces are pretty easy to get out of the house. Jeff She's exotic ,but not foreign, like an old Cadillac......she's a knockout!
If you use the abrasive blaade be sure to have goggles, ear protection and a fire extinquisher handyExcellence is its own reward!
A tub will withstand major blows in most areas. Don't just start pounding on the middle of the tub. Work the edge first and hit it from the inside out not the outside in.
Porcelain shards are sharper than a brand new utility knife blade.
joe d
An advertisement in the pennysaver reading, "Six foot Cast iron tub for sale; $800.00 plus delivery or $100 if you remove it this week"
Or contact the building recycling center/ antique furniture shop or auction house nearest you to come get it with their manpower and equiptment.
I recently had a 4.5' one that they would've given $100 for and picked it up. I was able to bring it to them for $300. These things have value and are in demand some places.
Unless it's chipped and damaged - I know yours is already stress tested, LOL
Personal experience has been that an 8# or even 6# (faster swing) sledge does a really fast job -never had any trouble getting one to break on the first swing (- put your weigh into it. Cast iron piano frames are slightly harder to break. P.S. have not broken one up for over 20 years though.
BTW, recall a "great moments" FHB article (more than 15 years ago ?) about 2 young hires wrestling out a tub down stairs taking an hour, then forman busts it up in 4 swings or so when they can't get it up into the dumpster - probably got the details wrong from recollection. Correct reference Andy?
Yes, Art, that was a Great Moment. They're hard to look up, though. If anybody really wants the issue #, e-mail me and I'll scrounge. Andy Engel, The Accidental Moderator
Thanks for your suggestions. In a couple of days, I'll get back at it. Busy right now wrestling 9" steel duct into place for A/C system (Unico).
Haven't you ever seen those half burried tubs in front yards with flowers and maby a Virgin Mary? Gravity Bob, gravity! Or you could wait for the boom truck to deliver your drywall. That's how I got the new (old) tub up on my last project.
This sounds like a case for Mr. 50-caliber machine gun.
Hey Bob,
Here's the easiest way yet.....Just say to your wife; "Sorry honey, but this old tub is gonna have to stay cause I can't get it out." Bet ya $100 she'll find a way to get it out in a hurry! ha! ha!
Ditto on the sledge, blanket, ear and eye protection.....I never tried cutting one time I will.
Maybe there's a Karate' class that would like to set up a dojo session in that bathroom.
Excellence is its own reward!
I'll spare you the trouble Andy.
FHB #64, January 1991, Page 130.