I am a homeowner, so I don’t know much about design/architecture/construction.
We are adding a second storey, and have a cross gable roof with a narrow front gable. The second storey (and gable) project here by a couple of feet. The projecting walls are also a couple of feet higher than the main walls.
I’m trying to figure out how to make the gable/eave area (blue rectangle) look better, without making significant structural changes.
1) eave returns that come all the way across, and a pent roof covering the problem area (from the level where the side walls meet the roof to the eave return;
2) move trim down to just above or at the eaves, extend frieze board to meet this, and cover everything above this with shingles (that means shingles, trim, frieze would cover the space between the wall and the eaves (red circle) – can that happen?
3) Anything else that would help? The architect originally had large pork chop eaves drawn there, and I asked him to change that, but it still looks wrong.
I would be very grateful for any suggestions/comments.
Adding or enhancing trim details around the eaves and gable can create a more finished look. Consider using wider or more decorative trim to frame the gable prominently, adding visual interest and drawing attention to the architectural feature.
Thank you for this. Would you mind commenting on the suggestion I made (images in the original post), as a possible solution?
I suppose another option would be decorative bargeboards.
Hi, I’m hoping to get more responses to this post. Thank you so much!