How to install heating duct under cabine
I had to remove old in-wall heating duct because it was in the way when the window was moved location.
The only place I can think of re-routing the heating outlet is on the floor (basement under kitchen), but I don’t think heating vent on kitchen floor close to sink is a good idea, so I like to put it under cabinets and use toe-kick vent.
My question, what type of duct I need to use (flexible or rigid?) and How am I suppose to nail the duct to the back of toe-kick of base cabinet?
Advices are appreciated, thanks.
Pictures are always better to describe the situation.
Having said that------ Can you get the toe-kick off? if so then you could use ridged pipe and make it such that the deffuser is secured to the back side of the toe-kick and the pipe is secured to the floor at the right hieght to mate with the defusser as you re-install the toe-kick.
SEE!!!! clear as mud.
We have a "register" that comes out under the sink. The way the cabinets are constructed the air is constrained to stay under the sink cabinet (cabinet base is integral to the cabinet), and comes out in a "natural" slot between toe kick and cabinet bottom. Regulated by a "throttle" valve in the duct below (in basement).
Kinda nice -- helps keep toes warm in the kitchen.