I’m planning to add a toilet to the second floor in my house just a couple of feet from an existing toilet with the hope of typing into the existing drain. The problem is that the drain needs to pass through two joists for the connection.
What is an acceptable way to do this?
It is not possible to make a separate run because of door openings on the first floor. A different location for the toilet also doesn’t work because all of the runs to the basement are full (of ductwork and pipes).
Is there a way to reinforce a joist – perhaps with steel plates that would permit this type of traversal?
The existing joists are 16″oc 2x10s.
I’ll be running a separate vent for the toilet through the attic.
I'm planning to add a toilet to the second floor in my house just a couple of feet from an existing toilet with the hope of typing into the existing drain. The problem is that the drain needs to pass through two joists for the connection.
What is an acceptable way to do this?
It is not possible to make a separate run because of door openings on the first floor. A different location for the toilet also doesn't work because all of the runs to the basement are full (of ductwork and pipes).
Is there a way to reinforce a joist - perhaps with steel plates that would permit this type of traversal?
The existing joists are 16"oc 2x10s.
I'll be running a separate vent for the toilet through the attic.
Chris, you can add headers.Cut the joists that are in the way maybe 12" apart give yourself room to work. Put double 2x10's perpendicular to the joists that are left.This creates a channel for the pipe.Vince