Here in Austin TX it’s usually 95 to 105 from May to Sept., with a few nasty thunderstorms thrown in for relief.
But, this year is just ridiculous, by my records, I’ve been rained on 48 of the last 88 days, 19 of 24 this month alone.
Normally, a 1/2 or full day off during the week won’t break the schedule, but we’re so far behind right now we’ve been working in the rain, and I’m not talking mist, we got 4 inches the other day.
The job I had scheduled for next week is now set for the last week of Sept.The next step on my current job is to tie the new roof into the old. I think I can get it framed, decked, and dried in, in one day. But, I can’t get one full day with no rain.
The current forecast is 50% chance for rain every day for the rest of the week.
Just about every tool I own is rusty or covered in mud, I’ve got mold growing on my bags, and crew morale is down the sh!tter. It’s slick and dangerous up in the roof, we’re constantly tripping breakers, and everyone is getting a little touchy.
We cut out early today because lightning put out the power in the neighborhood.I’m wondering how you guys that normally get a lot of rain deal with this, maybe some tips on how not to get electrocuted by a saw in a downpour?
It's God punishing you guys for giving us dubya.
It's God punishing you guys for giving us dubya.<<<
LOL..well she must be rewarding us here in NY cause
she feels sorry for what happend to us during 9/11.
The weather here's been fantastic!
how it sounds^-->
One of my favorite sayings is, "I hit my knees every night and thank the woman above for..."
Normally something involving my wife.
The weather is weird all over. I just saw on the local news tonight that here in Minneapolis we're about six inches behind on rain this year. One of the local suburbs ran three of their city water wells dry this week. On top of that, we're on a pace to have one of the hottest summers ever.
rains everyday at 2 oclock, typical summer weather
Welcome to the great northwet.
I have had the same rain as you have had, only more, all this summer.
It has been just a warmer version of winter, all "summer", up here.
In the past three months, temps where I am, have been above 75, maybe 10 days, total. They have been 55 and below for half or more of that three months.
If people up here didn't work in the rain, they couldn't stay in business.
Buy or build one of those simple tarp type 'gazebos'. Set that up for cover over the compressor, the saws, etc. It may seem like a waste of time. Time that could be spent on the project itself. But if you are getting that much rain, it is worth it. It will save you time, in the long run.
Either buy good waterproof cords, or tape the connections every time you plug in an extension cord and saw.
If you know you can do it in one day, go ahead and do the next step on your current job. Whatever rain gets in, in that amount of time is not going to cause any major grief.
Keep a tarp handy to throw over the opening, if you are really concerned. Then work between the raindrops, so to speak.
If you work during the lighter rain, and cover it during the heavier, you'll get the job done with no major problems. Let it take two days, if that is what happens. Better to get it done in two days, than to let the rain stop your work completely.
Otherwise, when that rain stops, you'll have all the work you were already scheduled for, plus this 'next step' still sitting there waiting...
Uncharacteristically hot and dry. Been dry since Jan 1, save for a period of about 3 weeks in late May/early June if I'm remembering correctly when it rained pretty much every day (timed just right to prevent getting into the garden).
Gonna be in the 90s tomorrow with high humidity and livestock warnings.
The wife tells me I should ride my bike to work tomorrow.
Here in New Jersey, the weather has been cooler than normal nearly all summer, with only two or three days above 90. We've had a little more rain than normal, but not much. Maybe one day a week with another day or two with a late T-storm. Over on Long Island, they had a tornado a week back, which is unheard of. Normally my electric bill would be in the $400-$500 range, due to the AC. Last month it was $135.
My mother lives in East Tennessee. They had an extremely late hard freeze that will likely result in a lot of starvation in the wild animals this fall due to failure of the nut crop. Since then, they've had nearly three months of solid drought. If you could figure a way to send all that rain over there, they'd take every drop. Most of the lakes there are down 10-15', and that's a lot of water!
we had 3 1/2 inches before 6 am and did not slow nobody down, by 9 am we had dust
Back when I lived down there in the Austin area I was bitching about the rain one day and my boss said to me, "we dont complain about the rain here in Texas" I can only assume he's doing a little complaining this year!
We just closed on our house in San Marcos last Friday and thank God, I was afraid it was going to get washed down the the San Marcos river - not my problem any more though!