Humidity, Condensation, Power Tools
Hi Folks,
I store my new portable table saw in my cool and dry basement. When I do work, I haul it up to my back yard. When the humid warm air hit the cool surface of the power tool, I have water condensed all over the surfaces. I am sure, over time, I will see rust. I can spray the surface with silicon spray. That is a PITA and I will not be able to get to all surfaces.
My friend have the same problem with his car in a well insulated air tight garage. There are days that he cannot start his car due to the sweating on his spark plug wires. He also sees rust on many metal items in the garage.
Any recommendations on what I can do?
Don't take it outside?
Warm it up before you take it outside?
Rust never sleeps.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
You don't want to use silcone spray.
But there are any corrison sprays that you can use.
LPS3 is one. It leaves a waxy film.
I use silicone on the under side of my saw and wax on top. My saw was purchased in 1962 and is in great condition. The silicone can also says it is good on spark plug wires.
Silicon spray is good for all the surfaces I can get to. Do I have to worry about the places I cannot reach with the spray?
You don't want silicon spray getting on any finish type wood you might run across the saw table.
One good surface treatment is called "Top Coat" and is available at some wood working supply stores and catalog suppliers like WoodCraft Supply.