I just had to bring this < Obsolete Link > thread back. It’s such good reading. . .
Joseph Fusco
© 1999
“The first step towards vice is to shroud innocent actions in mystery, and whoever likes to conceal something sooner or later has reason to conceal it.”
...............well, Thanks, Joe, interesting reading ...i'll try tokeep the other thread moving thru the categories...
*This one looks like trouble. Joe, you wouldn 't be trying to get something going here, would you?You have something up your sleeve, that's my guess!********************
*Mad Dog,
Joseph FuscoView Image© 1999"The first step towards vice is to shroud innocent actions in mystery, and whoever likes to conceal something sooner or later has reason to conceal it." Aristotle
*i want to watch the guy drill holes in the side of his house.
*Joe,You're right, it's a pretty good thread, expecially if someone could outline the conclusions about pressure--that's what I thought you had up your sleeve. Is it?*
*Joe,One of the most interesting things I found about this thread was that FredL apparantly deleted all his posts(except for his alias posts under the name "Amused"). I've noticed this habit of his before, and think it's interesting that a guy who wants to be taken seriously, and as a credible individual, erases the record and posts under false names.Just an observation, John
*John & Mad Dog,
Joseph FuscoView Image© 1999"The first step towards vice is to shroud innocent actions in mystery, and whoever likes to conceal something sooner or later has reason to conceal it." Aristotle
*If memory serves, and I don't seem to suffer the same i selective amnesiathat some others around here do, the deleted posts were mostly personal attacks on Joe and of a much more vitriolic nature than the current stick figures. If you go back far enough, and if the posts were still there (several flame wars were also edited/wiped out by "breakdowns"(?))you would discover that dear Fred/derf/Babe/"Joe Fiasco" etc, was the first to hurl invective, and he was doing iti before he started in with Joe. . . but he has successfully rewritten history (it's the American way after all). It's been a long time since I was amused by their antics, but anyone willing to defend Fred's right to act like an asshole, should also defend Joe's right to react to previous slurs!!! And several were very nasty slurs indeed!!Perception may be reality to some, but the rest of us have memory!!-pm
*This thread was indeed the genesis of much of the hostility in the current debate. I think what really frosts Joe w/respect to me is that despite his best efforts, I didn't become HIS drone. I chose to get independent verification of the things I was attempting to learn more about rather than trust the ramblings of egomaniacs in a semi-anonymous forum. One of the first things I learned in my secondary education was to evaluate the source of your information, and wherever possible use primary sources. So yes indeed, I went out and bought a book on thermodynamics, by the guy who literally "wrote the book" on it, Max Plank, as well as a more basic physics primer. Having managed to sneak through school without taking any physics after the 9th grade, I'm the first one to admit that my grasp on it is marginal at best. But that doesn't stop me from trying to learn what I need to know to build better buildings.The fortunate thing (for me) is I did learn something. Not just about pressure dynamics in residential structures, but also about how to make the best use of Breaktime. One way to do that is to avoid entangling yourself with Joe, who had no interest at all in a give-and-take exchange of ideas, only in proving himself the master of all knowledge. Unfortunately, for the time being I've allowed myself to get sucked into it again.The sad thing is that Joe just dug in his heels and learned nothing, and to this day holds this exchange (any any others in which he has been in a bomb-throwing contest) up as a triumph of his masculinity. A pattern that repeats itself over and over on this board.Did anyone see the story in the NY Times a few weeks ago about a study that showed that those who were the most incomptent were the least likely to know they were, or to realistically evaluate their abilities at all, and those with the highest levels of competence were the most likely to critically evaluate themselves?Steve
* Steve,
Joseph Fusco View Image "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." -- Plato
*Ok, Joe.You can even have the last word.Steve
*Nope,He can't have the last word. Not with that wretched typography. regards,pybas
Joseph FuscoView Image© 1999"The first step towards vice is to shroud innocent actions in mystery, and whoever likes to conceal something sooner or later has reason to conceal it." Aristotle
*In case anyone really cares, dear Fred continues to i erase the record. Check the holes left behind in the various recent venting and wet crawl space threads (and others probably). Fortunately the new system identifies the owner& date of the deleted post. Unfortunately the threads are left somewhat, to totally, incongruous becuse of it. Questions, rebuttals or references are left without context. . . really smooth Fred. . . you're such a neat guy.While others are advising newcomers to check the archives before starting another repetitve thread (coincidentally the one's you're usually involved in)you make sure that their effort is wasted!!Whatsa matter, you afraid your voluminous perls of wisdom here are going to cut into your hoped for book sales???-pm
*This is exactly why Fred has lost all credibility with me, and a lot of others here. If what he has to say is indeed correct, and is of value, why does he keep deleting it? Does it contradict, or conflict with what his book has to say?Just my humble opinion...James DuHamel
*Do I need to change my handle so I don't get confused with FredL? Or, does the difference between the Darkside and Thisside do the job?FredB
*FredB.... Just as long as you are NOT FredL or anyone else trying to pull a fast one via name shuffling. I can confuse myself very well, thank you, without having to sort thru the idiotsyncrasies.
*Nope, I'm NOT FredL, the only shuffling I do is with the cards just before I make a donation to the other players and since I seldom agree with what he says I guess that makes it pretty clear.