Hello everyone,
I’m looking for a very good, informative website on ICF construction, something
authorative. Either that, or a book that someone has found that will give a good
description of how the forms are installed properly,(bracing etc.), windows are
properly installed, troubleshooting, that sort of thing.
There is plenty of info out there, but it all seems a little scattered in my opinion.
It’s been a long while since I stopped in. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.
Thanks – Paul
And one that compares different manufacturers products.
You can download the installation manual from ARXX as a start. It gives a lot of general information in addition to that specific to their product. There is also a lot of info about design and construction in their other online publications.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
There is one...I don't remember the site.
ICF.com maybe.
Google it, its an association site that is quite helpful
Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
start with using the advanced search button right here at BT for the term ICF. That will give you a few days worth of reading and photos in some good threads.
There is a magazine online on the subject too that you could probably fine thru Google. I think it has been linked in these threads too.
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