I’m finished using hot dipped galvys…

…on exterior trim, decks, or siding. Making the switch to stainless steel. Seen enough. Today I took apart a section of a deck that I built about 15 years ago. Pressure treated 2×8 joists, decked with cedar 1×6. Many of the hot dipped galvanized nails I removed had rotted down to a needle. I was amazed. Especially around the hot tub, which I’m sure was due to the clorine splashing.
Not to mention the black stains around all the nail heads on the bottom few corses of bevel cedar siding.
I’m not trusting my reputation to HD galvys anymore. I do a lot of “natural” exterior work, and I just wish I’d smartened up a long time ago.
Jim you should keep one of them rusted galvies so when a customers says "7$ a pound for fasteners!!!???"
You can show it to them and ask if they want the alternative.
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
A picture is worth 1000 words!
Jim you should keep one of them rusted galvies so when a customers says "7$ a pound for fasteners!!!???"
You can show it to them and ask if they want the alternative.
You ain't kidding about that one!!!
That's exactly what I do and believe me, I've been criticized about the fasteners I use all the time!
Edited 5/18/2003 2:39:04 AM ET by nino
The work environment here in NoCal is pure wind driven salt air. SS is the only way to go I agree 100%, but from boat builing experience there are very different SS purity ratios in terms of fastners. Havn't taken apart any of my work yet, but I definetly would be interested to see the breakdown of galvi. vs. SS..HD
good point sir!
This brings up a question...where can you get SS joist nails for nailing up joist brackets and various Simpson truss clips, etc? All my lumberyard carries is galv. for nailing up the various brackets. They carry stainless nails for nail guns, but not for hand nailing.
Now Sweetie, you and I had an agreement. I cut the firewood and you were to smarten up. Now I find out you haven't smartened up!? And what's the deal discussing "natural" exterior work here? You promised our visits to the nature colony were going to be a secret and now I find out it's all over BT? Spose it'll be on Jerry Springer next!!
Wow! I was going to ask Jim for pictures to be posted of the rotted galvanized nails, but I've got another idea now.
Could you post some of those "natural" pictures? Jim's last article only had a cartoon drawing of him. All his fans want to see the real Jim.
Excellence is its own reward!
recently took apart a not to old walkway that was built fairly well I thought. The big lags and carriage bolts were galavinized and in only so-so shape. the bronze screws were in great shape and the simpson corner brackets which were stainless were in showroom condition. They used a square drive stainless screw on the brackets.
This was in a state park in Sitka AK at a salt water estuary. Would guess the project was less than 10 years old
Bronze fasteners have long been the old standard for wooden boat construction around here.
I'm leanig towards thinking that various chemicals have something to do with the condition we are talking abnout.
I've taken apart or repaired various things that were built here in the last fifteen years with hot galvanized.
near clorinated pools seems to be real bad.
through fir and into PT frame doesn't seem too terrible but does start to rust.
under rain runoff is best conditions.
We are in a heavy salt climate.
I am using more SS than I used to..
Excellence is its own reward!
it ain't Jim we want to see...
" I've got another idea now.
Could you post some of those "natural" pictures? "
You usually have some good ideas.
But I think that you want to rethink this one!
When I saw Jim's orginaly mesage I almost asked that if Ohsa did not have problem with this at least he should have some concerns for the neighbors.
"All his fans want to see the real Jim."
I'm worried about you, Piffin.
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
Well, we can't let Jerry Springer have it first, but I admit that I was hoping to see more of Kathy than of Jim.
But if you are worried about me, I'll take that as a good sign!
Excellence is its own reward!
kathy, i think you spelled your name wrong............carpenter in transition
Chlorine could be the culpirt, but around the hot tub it could be electrogalvanic action from the pump it is a problem with boats. most of the time it is associated with different metals in contact with each other but electromagnetic fields can hasten erosion of metals, SS is the way to go.
What took you so long!<g>
The easiest way for me to buy stainless is by the 25lb box. While the initial expense is tough (though cheaper per pound than buying in smaller quantities), they're always there when I need them.
Yup. I told the owner of the lumber yard to get me a box of 8's and a box of 12's. He said, "...what, you mean 5 lb boxes?" I said nope, you know, regular however many pounds there are in what we used to call 50 lb boxes. I'm gonna shop around, but I am making the change right now. Today. (yesterday, actually).
Can't believe it took me this long to face reality. First the Kreg jig, now stainless nails. Next thing you know, I'll be trying a s*dewinder...na, can't see it.
Try looking inot McFeely's..........Its advertised in FH all the time. They have lots of SS products at good prices.
Hi Jim. If your interested, the best deal I've found on SS coil siding nails is at Manor Hardware in Lynnwood. They also have a store in Tacoma. About 52$ a box. (3000 or 4000 nails) cheers, jim.
Thanks Jimbo. You give up that foolishness and start your carpentry career yet?
No I haven't givin up the foolishness completely. Working half computers/half building. Been working on this house for the past 15 months. Planning on moving in end of June.
ok I give up, how do you post a picture?
I figured out a hyperlink..
Edited 5/20/2003 12:54:21 PM ET by Jim Lovatt
Edited 5/20/2003 1:01:27 PM ET by Jim Lovatt
Edited 5/20/2003 1:14:28 PM ET by Jim Lovatt
Sweet house, Jim. Where's that at? You get your "cabin" in ...was it North Bend?...done?
I finished the cabin (in Leavenworth) about 2 years ago. Six months later started this house. Its just north of Monroe. Enjoy your articles in FHB, good job!
Came to the same conclusion about this time last year when I started to rebuild our front steps, originally a job given to me as a styling decision by the DW. Once I got into the demo and tried to unscrew a few boards, I realized gravity was doing most of the fastening - most of the screws were "needle thin" like you said. I had only built the things about 10 years ago.
The only problem I have with ss screws are that they're so soft. I stripped out my fair share of them doing that porch, even though I used square drive screws. You can't just lean in on them like the galvys. I might even think about using the clutch thingy on the drill some day.
There is a world of diffence between the local home horror store SS deck screws that I bought and those from McFeely's.
there are also lots of grades of SS, consider it, esp if you are near salt
I built a boardwalk with 5/4 Treated and I used the galvanized specialty screws just last fall. Can't remember the name of the type but it was a HD brand name. I looked at the boardwalk on Wednesday and the place the bit contacted the phillips slot on the screws is starting to rust. In a mere 6 mos! So much for using the best.
I guess the SS screw is the way to go even with decking. Time to shop the web and the magazines for those screws and Paslode type nail strips in SS.
Anyone have a good suggestion on the SS screws and the nails?
manasquanfasteners.com nails (hand and collated) screws, lags, carriage bolts etc. shipped right to your door.
Screws are often better.