After reading Breaktime the past couple of issues it finally hit me that I’ve been overlooking
an excellent resourse for some info. I can’t seem to obtain locally, I hope someone can
provide me with any information on becomming “Corian Certified”.
I’m a licensed builder in central Michigan and would like to start fabricating and installing
this product. However, after many questions with several fabricators/dealers and independent
installers I’ve gotten nowhere. I understand “protecting your territory” but this is driving
me crazy.
I understand there is a school of sorts which must be attended but, that’s about it. I’d
like to know where this school is in my area, what it costs, and is it necessary to be
sponsored by someone already in the business.
After reading Breaktime the past couple of issues it finally hit me that I've been overlooking
an excellent resourse for some info. I can't seem to obtain locally, I hope someone can
provide me with any information on becomming "Corian Certified".
I'm a licensed builder in central Michigan and would like to start fabricating and installing
this product. However, after many questions with several fabricators/dealers and independent
installers I've gotten nowhere. I understand "protecting your territory" but this is driving
me crazy.
I understand there is a school of sorts which must be attended but, that's about it. I'd
like to know where this school is in my area, what it costs, and is it necessary to be
sponsored by someone already in the business.