I just went throught the archives on hardiplank siding but could not find anything on the application of staggered edge shingle shake hardie siding. Has anyone out there put this stuff on?
I read all the info that came with the siding and I went to the James Hardie website but there is some info lacking when it comes to gables and rakes.
I talked to two guys who put it on a house and all they would tell me is that they would never do it again.
Yea... what do you want to know... You talking the kind that comes in ~3' panels or the individual shakes?
BTW - you will get better responses if you select more meaningful titles for your threads...
You are right about the title. Maybe I will repost with a better title.
I am talking about the 48 inch wide and 16 inch tall panels. The instructions have a nail pattern for straight walls but what about rakes and gables. On this particular siding you sometimes end up with 5 pieces after the cut. What is the best way to secure these to the wall?
I've used the individual shakes on 4 houses - only "helped" with an install of the panel style shakes once... Not sure about your concern about the nailing pattern. If the end of a panel is cut off, just tighten up your nail pattern. I don't think they are concerned about some modest overnailing.... Use a roofing nail gun with the longest nails you can put in it. There was a thread about using these panels about 9 months ago... don't know what to tell you to search for though - maybe "Hardie shake" - or however it is spelled...