Insulating above grade block wall
I’m putting together an estimate for finishing a basement at a local church. The exterior walls are concrete block, above grade. One issue, the walls are painted (i don’t know if the paint is oil or latex, I will find out on Thursday). I was going to use foam on the block and frame the walls about a 1″ from the foam. The seams would be taped.
I might frame the walls 1″ from the block and use Kraft Faced batts stapeled to the face of the studs.
The painted walls with batt insulation may trap moisture, correct? as would the foam
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks — Dave
Dave Otto — Otto Construction — PA
I would use the foam.
Fiberglass and exterior CMU don't make for a good combo.IMHO
On the other hand I guess you could vapor barrier and use accustical sealant on the CMU and then the fiberglass.
Now I'm confused on what to do. :-)
I spoke to someone at Ownes Corning yesterday, and they do not recommend that foam be used on interior walls above grade. They said to frame the walls and use kraft faced batts.
That's what I'm going to spec out. Here in PA they don't do insulation inspections . . . yet, but a statewide adoption of a building code is going to change that.
Dave Otto
Dave Otto -- Otto Construction -- PA