Insulation on top of lay-in troffers
BIL’s shop addition is 44 x 14 and he put in 8 four tube fluorescent troffers in suspended ceiling grid. These are the electronic ballast type from Simkar and I do not see anything about not putting fiberglass batts on top. Since this is about 10% of his ceiling area I think it would be good to put some insul over them. We are having to do r-19 on the outside wall course because of clearance, then r-30.
My understanding is that with the electronic ballast and t-8 bulbs there should not be any serious heat buildup. Considering putting unfaced r-19 batts over them. Could leave portion over ballast clear but do not think it is necessary.
My lic elec friend says he usually does not but cannot recall anything for or against.
Any guidance? Thanks in advance.
Edited 6/18/2005 6:47 pm ET by RASCONC
Did you get this solved?
A person with no sense of humor about themselves is fullashid
Not with any help from here which is very unusual. I must be on a lot of folk's ignore lists.
Manufacturer answered my questions in expected cya mode "NEC says.....". They passed UL for IC status but chose not to label as such as it may shorten ballast life or trip the thermal shutoff. After having them on for the better part of a hot day you could hold your hand on the top over the ballast and it was only warm.
I put the unfaced r19 on the half away from the ballast. These lights will not see a heavy duty cycle as they will probably only be on a couple of hours a day.
As hot as this attic looks like it would get I think you would help them by insulating them.. These electronic ballasts and t-8 bulbs just do not generate much heat. I am surprised someone does not make a wire support so you can get three inches of clearance over lay-in troffers.