Put this here rather than woodshed because of possible importance. Andy, move it to woodshed if you think that is where it goes.
WSJ article said there are only 12 Million total innoculations available till 2004. My kids were innoculated, but not the grandkids or some of the nieces/nephews. I recall innoculations quit after UN had claimed they “eradicated” smallpox in 1980 or so.
Am I paranoid or prudent? I understand that the side effect risk from innoculation is near zero, but may be mistaken.
Is it paranoid to buy life insurance ?
b : )
*Anthrax might be more to the point. Iraq has been working on that one, I don't know about the other.-- J.S.
*Polio vaccines were on the decline too. Trouble is, Polio is making a comeback. It would be good judgement to get them innoculated for all the known diseases that you can. I wouldn't bet that ANY disease is 100% gone.Just a thought...James DuHamel
*i Anthrax might be more to the point. Iraq has been working on that one, I don't know about the other. I believe the 'anthrax' vaccines that were given to the Gulf War vetrans caused more harm than good...
*I don't think you CAN get a smallpox vaccination these days--at least that was what i was told several years ago when i thought it might be a good thing to get.
*Received one medical opinion that you can get an innoculation, but most docs likely would not give one due to possible side effect of encephalitis and resulting liability.
*Yes it is paranoid. Any vaccine or inoculation contains the risk of complications, which must be balanced against the risk of getting the disease. Smallpox is so far down the list of risk vectors that you can't readily get the vaccine. If your worry is bio-terrorism, Smallpox is a ways down that threat list too.
*Seem to recall hearing about smallp[ox showing up in africa or something in the not too distant past. nothing is ever completely eradicated, it just mutates and becomes more resistant.
*IMHO, No!Bill
*What do the parents have to say about it? How about their MD?
*After considerable research, son and his wife have deceided not to pursue vacination, esp. as SIL noted the incidence of encephaliteis is not trivial. In 17th century England & Constantinople, there was a self innoculation proceedure (DIY no less) of taking a 12 day pus sample from one of the first cases, keeping pus warm for a day, and using that for innoculation. It apparently was 60% or so effective. Have to keep that in mind for a worst case scenario.A statistic I had not known - EVERY native inhabitant of Hispanola (about 3 Million) died of SPox between 1500 and 1518.
*The military stopped giving the smallpox vaccine about 10 years ago, about the time the Soviet Union broke up. Right now, the US and the Russians are the only ones with live virus left. My vote is for committing extinction there. But that will probably get the enviros wound up.Erich
*"Right now, the US and the Russians are the only ones with live virus left."Bet your grandkids life on that statement???Britan also has specimens from the latest I've read, no firsthand knowledge though.
*I believe small pox vaccine is no longer readily available. There hasn't been a documented case of smallpox in >20 years.As a small proprotion of inoculated people get small pox from the vaccine and then become infectious, routine vaccinations were stopped in the early 70's I believe.Anthrax is a big problem. I heard recently some terrorists were found with information on cropdusters. I bet they are not interested in farming.We all need to keep cool heads, keep our eyes open and cooperate with the authorities.Frank
*There is no smallpox vaccine available. The government holds the remaining reserves, the reserves are very old and there are doubts that they would work anyway. The disease was eradicated in the wild 20 years ago. The only place where it is acknowledged to live is Moscow and at the CDC in Atlanta. England has no acknowledged stocks (they have generally poor biohazard facilites anyway).The problem is that there is evidence that the ex-Soviet Union experimented extensively with the stuff, mutated it to other forms, and probably invented several combination viruses that the vaccine wouldn't stop anyway. Then some of these scientists (possibly with samples of the viruses) sought employment elsewhere (i.e. Iraq). Very scary.Probably smallpox would be difficult to get for terrorist organizations. Personally I worry more about nerve gas or Anthrax. That idiotic Japanese cult Omshin Rickyo was able to get their hands on both. Apparently Ramsi Yousef (the original WTC bomber) was burned mixing up chemical weapons one time and was arrested when he set his apartment on fire.
Put this here rather than woodshed because of possible importance. Andy, move it to woodshed if you think that is where it goes.
WSJ article said there are only 12 Million total innoculations available till 2004. My kids were innoculated, but not the grandkids or some of the nieces/nephews. I recall innoculations quit after UN had claimed they "eradicated" smallpox in 1980 or so.
Am I paranoid or prudent? I understand that the side effect risk from innoculation is near zero, but may be mistaken.