Looking a buying a house that has a large black drum (looks like a large garage can) in the basement next to the laudry. Looks like the outlet of the laundry and the 1st floor sinks drain into it. It has a power cord going in and a outlet that goes into the septic system. The top has a log of a panda bear and says”Jackle”.
Any one know what this is for? Any reason for concern purchasing the home?
You have basin pump or possibly sewer ejector pump.
The washer and basin drain into the tank where it is pumped out to the sewer septic system.
It makes sense in a basement for basement washer and fixtures if the sewer/septic is over head.
But it does not make sense for first floor sinks ONLY. Because you still need to handle the toilets and showers.
In most cases these pump systems are only needed for basement equipment.
But in a few places the house is below the sewer/septic and a holding tank and pump is needed for the WHOLE house.
By it'self there is nothing wrong with having such a system. But there will be small amount of extra maintance.
But it is enough that you should get the house inspected by a sewer/sepctic preson. Specially since it only handles part of the house.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Thanks for the info
It defintely only has 1st floor "gray water" and the basemetn laundry going into it. I am haveing a home inpection, hopefully they can shed some light onto it.
Maybe they used the gray water to water plants outside or something and that's why they separated it?
Are you sure that is the way it is spelled? "Jackle"
Anyway, several houses ago we had something somewhat similar, only it didn't have the pump (I assume it is a pump) and it was only for the washer. It was essentially a lint trap I guess. It had a gravity drain line that went out to the yard and to a good sized gravel filled pit. Maybe in your case the intention was for it to be a grease & lint trap?
Sounds like what you have is just a basin and sewage ejection pump. Strange though that the sinks from above drain in there.... Sounds fishy...
BTW - how does it smell? :-)
If you don't get any better answers you might want to get a plumber or someone to look at it. Also, you might want to verify that the setup is acceptable to the county health department.