Really p.o.’d at myself….Doing a total remodel for flipping….had a huge space in the master bath….decided to put in a jet tub…not high end, so got talked into going to home-depot……I know, I know…..Anyway, got it home, a week later find that the drain assembly needed to be specific to the American Standard tub we bought, (can’t remember the model name) which of course, needed to be gotten at H.D…..(Small area, small hardware stores) Got sent to other H.D.,, found the box, and ended up with 160.00!!!!! out the door for it….Yellow tape on the box,, (knew I shouldn’t have walked out the door with it) and you guessed it…..not all of the parts…and no instructions to be had….(haven’t done a tub in a long while) Anyway, to try and shorten this up….can I not use a standard tub assembly??? The one I got is brass as well….a must???All I keep thinking is I know I can do this for under 160.00!! The tub itself was only 377.00! Any thoughts?? (and rubber noodle floggings?) Beck
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I generally buy the waste and overflow kit for a tub from the tub manufacturer, and I guess last time I did it was a $100 or so. $160 for a brass one doesn't seem out of line.
OK. This is a shot in the dark. Electrician so what do I know for plumbing?
Manufacturers web site? Some have manuals in PDF format. They usually print out well.
Check for a 1-800 number to a service department with the telephone operator.
If no 1-800 then you might want to try long distance. Might even be local, right. I have had great help, sometimes, with some manufacturers tech support departments. Once had a tech on a 1-800 line for an hour and a half, twice, troubleshooting a variable frequency drive and control units that were majorly screwed.
With the right approach a lot of techs will bend over backwards to help people. Worth a try.
i've got an american standard tub to put in from hd.the drain i bought was a american s. unit so i have the directions for it if you would want me to send then to you. as far as using a different one ,i don't think it would be a problem especially if you bought one of the drains that use schel. 40 pvc .just cut to length and glue it up. i think most of them run about 20 bucks. let me know and i can fax you the inst. larry
Thanks for the offer Larry, I went to the plumbing supply house, and got set-up for about 20 bucks, using abs and the trim we'll see. Now just have to get back to the #$%@@ box store and return the whole box, which the supply house and figured out was missing many parts, had a few wrong parts, and then too many of a useless one.....NEVER AGAIN!