They just opened one here and I want to know what all the rave is? The parking lot looks like a ferry terminal at rush hour 24 hours a day.
We drove by last night at midnite and there were hundreds of cars.
Our friends kids waited 2 1/2 Hours at 4:00 am for donut?
HEY! These are just donuts!
I guess this place has sold more donuts than any other Krispy the USA.
Am I missing something here? Besides calories I mean.
Maybe I should buy some stock in Krispy’s
Gees I haven't had Krispy Kreme's since I was in Atlanta - now you've got me thinking of them and I'll have to go back. if the light in the window is flashing it means they're just pulling them out of the oven.... Krispy Kreme for Lunch, Waffle House For Breakfast, and Sould food for Dinner Truly divine living like that
*You're not from the south, are you?Asking what a Krispy Kreme is is like asking what is so alluring about the small of a woman's back. Like asking what is so wonderful about a well-aged bourbon. Like asking why your old truck is so comfortable or why you like your old dog even though he smells funny. Like asking why you love your children even when they are doing their best imitation of an angry, twisted little demon. Like asking why a certain hammer or plane is always close at hand and the perfect tool for the task.Krispy Kreme is more than a doughnut — although it is a damn fine dougnut — it is a lifestyle choice (insert your own joke here).Like a good Buddhist monk, a Krispy Kreme simply IS.
*Oh, and amen, Just a Guy. By the way, I'm in Atlanta.
*Apparently they're going to (or recently have by now) expand to Canada. I recall that a couple of the local newspapers had scribes check them out at a couple of US locations. They're conclusions were that they were too sweet and not as good as Tim Horton's. Should be interesting to see if there's another doughnut war.
*With my toungue placed firmly in my cheek, let me reiterate: A Krispy Kreme is more than a doughnut.A doughnut is merely some dough fried in hot oil, frequently coated with some sort of sugary/chocolatey/sprinkly topping.A Krispy Kreme is golden wheat harvested from an autumn field by bare-breasted wood nymphs. The wheat is ground between magic stones by an doddering old wizard who sprinkles his love for the world on each grain. Angels take the freshly-ground flour to each and every Krispy Kreme, where master bakers with centuries-old pedigrees and secrets passed down from the finest European bakers carefully mix the ingredients into something beyond a dough.Fresh oil is then heated to a precise and secret temperature and, after whispering words of arcane power, the lovingly-shaped neo-doughnuts are immersed with a prayer. When they emerge from the hot-oil bath, they have become something otherworldly, a treat fit to set upon the table of Zeus or Ra.
*Wow, Jay. I've tried them twice and they were so sweet I couldn't eat them. But after your description - no, poem - I think I'll have to try again! Maybe I just didn't have enough coffee?
*Timbits rule! Long live Timbits!
*I had never even heard about Krispy Kremes until I moved to NJ. A convenience store sells them close to us, and I decided to try a chocolate frosted donut one day.Pure heaven.Not sure what their secret is, but they are good!
*They opened a Krispy Kreme in Denver about 6 months ago. The first couple of weeks you had to wait 2 hours in line to get a box. Phil- Timmy's is way better than Krispy Kreme. Their coffee is crap(dishwater) and their donuts are far to sweet.IMOMaybe you can convince Ron Joyce to start up some franchises down here
*I was in Fresno, CA--yeah, I know, I was glad to leave the place--earlier this year gettin my comm pilot license when they opened a KK there. My gawd, you'd think those folks had never seen a donut before. A temp parking lot across the street was filled ALL THE TIME! The last day of construction and over 60 cars were lining up, at 11 am I kid you not. Don't these people have jobs? I once counted 240 cars in line...at 10pm on a school night.Evidently the fear of a backhoe backing into a car or having to drive 400 feet over construction work was not enough to stop these people. Like savage dogs, they were. Probably the microchip they bake into those things. They probably have a following, like the Dead had a following...I can see it now, KK heads! I wonder if the FBI has a file on these people?
*Jay, I went to college in the town of Krispy Kreme's birth. I understand. Someday the others will, too.MOre, I need more.........tell me about how they lovingly caress the doughnuts thru the glaze bath....
*Apparently, the lines are because they only taste good fresh. I can't say, as I've never had them fresh, but they were nothing to brag about 1/2 day old.
*Honey, if you've neveer had them fresh, well you've never had them.Now a conoisseur knows an older Krispy Kreme has a certain charm when the glaze starts to crust a bit, and that's all that most poor people get to know of them, but oh, that fresh, warm, creamy glaze, what dare I to compare it to.............
*Well, c'mon, compare it to something !After all that bit by Jay up there, I am axious to hear some KK poetry from the female side of the tracks. If your description is anything like that up there, you'll have to excuse me while I close the browser and go um, do some chores.b : )
*There ain't anything else like a Krispy Kreme right off the assembly line. I was happier when they only had em down south and all the northern cats had to go to Dunkin or Winchells. Now its too late to buy stock, but last year they were one of the darlings at the exchange. Recently one of the first KK rigs was set up in the Smithsonian.
*Oooh, Oooh, Krispy Kremes warm are like heaven.....I'm in Cleveland and there is one on the other side of the city from me......I sneak over there periodically....Kai, I've got to have a talk with you!!!
*Krispy Kreme is old news.I am in Akron ,Ohio and we have had a couple of locations here for decades. In fact I believe I read something in the paper a few years ago that one of the local stores is the oldest operating krispy kreme in the country( 50-60 years---something like that)Frankly,the donuts ain't that good.They are about 1/3 the size they used to be.Here in akron the donuts are baked on location but I have seen them sold down south in gas stations.How disgusting----a gas station donut.Makes me wonder about the culinary expertise of a section of the country that craves gas station donuts.But then I don't fathom the appeal of NASCAR either.
*Bob, must be a cult thing like some of the other posts describe. Came back from Cincy (to SEA) last week and some guy was actually hand carryng a 2-doz. box of KK's onto the plane - Delta was to discontinue meal service the next day, but??? I'll take homemade from left over mashed taters any time.
*Steven,Warning, up here in Ohio there is another chain of donut stores named Krispy Kreme that is NOT the real thing. I am a southerner and I will return to several points you've made later, but I have to take the cat to the vet. And stop at Kroger where they have KKs.
*Donuts made from mashed potatos ????Sometimes I really worry about you, Art.b : )
*The "new" KK's are not as good as they used to be, but I sure did love buying their stock at the IPO and watching it rise!
*Unimpressive. Too sweet and greasy. I love donuts, but pass on the KKs. Okay, I'll eat one if I have to (which means that they're anywhere near me), but I won't like it.SHG
*1932-is when KK started and it took 69 years for them to get there donuts up here. Does that give you any idea how many carbohydrates are in one of those things?Bob
*Here's the lowdown:http://www.krispykreme.com/krispykr.htmlYup, I went to college right nearby the original and that is what we ladies used to pack on the freshman 15 pounds. Yeah, they're great donuts, and one of the problems with them is that they are SOOOOOO light that you can easily eat six in a row, before the sugar hits and you get nauseated. SHG, I never noticed they were greasy, in fact it is hard to believe they are even fried. I don't think you're getting a realistic sample. A lesser doughnut, and you don't eat six in the space of five minutes. So they have a dangerous downside. We always stop in a the (updated) original store when we pass through Winston-Salem and get a dozen fresh ones. The ones I get up here in Kroger are no where near the same as the originals, so I just don't bother with them. I only eat the ones from Winston-Salem. This is something that bugs me....you get something that is nice and special and original and regional, and it's wonderful, but then the corporation decides to go international, and what's so special about it any more? I mean, there's a Saks Fifth AVE opening now in Columbus. Well, there's nothing special about Saks any more if it is all over the world. It's just another expensive store in Cilumbus Ohio. I regretted that Krisy Kreme expanded so much. It's just not so special any more. I mean, I'm glad a lot of you are enjoying them, but, SHG, when I come to NYC, I'm not looking to go to Krispy Kreme, I'm going to find that bagel place on 11th Street, right? We've been joshing about regional barbeque over in Sprout Off, and the upshot is that diversity is wonderful, and rooting for your home cusine is a major sport.So, y'all, when you are in Winston-Salem, enjoy a KK on the site of the originals, where the sun is at the right angle, the accents are appropriate, and you can smell the fresh tobacco in the air from downtown. Then a Krispy Kreme is amazing. A bagel eaten on the same spot and in the same circumstances just wouldn't taste right.They really ARE amazing donuts.
*1 Glazed Yeast donut:200 calories (100 from fat)11g fat (3 g saturated) - 17%(15%) RDA23g Total Carbohydrates (2g dietary fiber, 15g sugar) - 8%(8%) RDAI can find MUCH better ways to kill myself, thanks. If I'm gonna ingest that much fat, just gimme a cheesesteak!
*You are absolutely wrong. In fact, I bought a dozen but couldn't get past 4 no matter how I tried. At first, I thought I was slipping, getting old, past my prime. Then I realized that it wasn't me, it was the donuts. A wave of relief came over me.SHG
*Hahahahahhahahahahahhh!!!!!!!!Go find a good corned beef sandwich or bagel and enjoy it for me!Wave of relief? Is that a euphemism?
*>Wave of relief? Is that a euphemism? Then I would have said, "passed over me." I wouldn't have thought you would know of such things.SHG
*Oh, but I do. A lady is not defined by what she knows, but by what she does with what she knows.
*I tried some KK donuts once, and was not impressed. They aren't any better than others I've had. But as a certifiable tool & gadget junkie, I really liked watching the machine that makes the donuts. I recommend a trip to a KK store for that reason alone.
*i hat they were too sweet and not as good as Tim Horton'sScary, scary. Tim Horton's does not make good donuts. I still eat them, but they're not particularly good. Except maybe for the sourcream varieties.
*That's right, Krispy Kreme are terrible, terrible donuts. You really don't want to try them, Just pass all of yours along to me. I promise to dispose of them properly, especially if they're still warm... ;-)If you haven't tried them while they're still hot, you haven't really tried them.
*Would you believe I have their site in my favorites and sometimes go over there just to look at the donuts!!If you're going to count the calories in donuts, you might as well hang it up......Just came home from a seminar.....We had a continental breakfast(you know what that means).....Their donuts sucked, their bagels were dry and the muffins pitiful......Oh well, it was free.......I also took my own coffee(I'm a real coffee snob).....
*Right on.......
*The most over rated thing in the world.
*No, I would probably say that truffles are the most over rated.....And the most overpriced.......You ever priced truffle oil?
*They make an exellent honey kruller. Maybe it's like the KK's, they seem to vary with location; and, with individual taste.
*A few weeks ago the cops here in Albuquerque stopped by to get some KK donuts in their copter, landed in the parking lot, got a dozen or so and left. oops,, big stink,, I've had them they're better than any others I've had. Except maybe heavenly donuts in San Diego years ago Daniel
*I haven't tried those. Thanks for the tip.
*Have you ever tried Tiny Tom Doughnuts at the CNE ? They take them right off the cooling rack for you.http://www.donuty.com/
*I don't know if the're still there
*I'm more into the pastries you get in Austria or southern Germany (we have some local bakeries that make them) or the sweet bread treats you get in latino countries and the Philippines.
*If you mean Tiny Tom's; yes, they were in the Better Living Building this year.
*"Pane dolce" in Venice.
*A Krispy Kreme haiku:Doughnuts pillowed;erotic dreams bygone yesKrispy Kreme floating weightlessOr maybe I just have too much time on my hands these days if I'm waxing eloquent over what is, after all, only a doughnut.
*Luka, don't scoff at leftover mashed taters - as far as the little yeastie beasties are concerned, potatoes in any form are God's gift to bread! (and doughnuts!)No kiddin'
*OK Pi! I know these donuts must be better in the East. I don't think there's an outlet w/in 50 miles, but I know how to make good donuts (deep-fried) if I'm in the mood to gain 20 lbs!
*i Krispy Kreme...is, afterall, only a doughnut.Yes, and poker is only a game. Right?BJ
*ibc: You should be banned from this forum! What do you mean no offensive body parts are being shown?
*Hey, we have Krispy Kremes; you have great weather and the Pacific Ocean!
*No Krispy Kremes where I live, that's true. Mostly just rice and whatever kind of meat is available and the fruit is out of this world both for the low price and the choice. Pacific ocean and the China sea. But no Krispy Kremes dagnabit. And lonecat, I never even heard of Krispy Kremes until I got that picture. And it's no more offensive than what you might see on the beach.
*Theodora, I hate to break it to you but we are talking about the same chain. the web site you provided lists 4-5 locations for Akron ,Ohio. I only know of the 2 old locations,so I assume the 2-3 new locations are hidden in gas stations.The locations on S. Main st. and Maple street have been here longer than I have and I am 39. The maple street store is the one I believe I read is the oldest operating location in the country.Actually Krispy Kreme used to be the fundraiser for a lot of groups. I can remember every sunday we would come out of church and some group or another would be selling boxes on the steps.I think they were like a buck /dozen.
*I've had them. They're pretty good. But every small town in Wisconsin has a bakery that makes better doughnuts.Maybe that's why there aren't any Krispy Kreme donut shops here?
*"Maybe that's why there aren't any Krispy Kreme donut shops here?" Good point!Just down a back road from Bob on Cemetery road in Renton is "Chuck's" donuts - maybe that's why KK hasn't put a shop in Issaquah until now?? Homemade are still best!!
*Having lived quite a few years in N.Carolina and thru'out the south, now being in the north east it is kind of tough to help someone understand how good KK really is. With Hortons, Dunkins, mom and pop stores and umpteen start up niche restraunts around, it is often hard to remember way back, way back into time when the corner KK was all there was for a donut shop. Their donuts were and still are very good, 'specially when fresh. This has been my experience all the way from Fayetteville, NC.
*ib,the pain the pain..i cant see somebody help me ....
*Homemade are the best. Dad didn't cook many things, but he did make donuts. One day in the middle of the donut making operation, the electricity (and the stove) went out. Not to be deterred, Dad had Mom hold the pan of boiling hot oil over his blow torch so he could finish the donuts. b Those were the best donuts!!
*As a kid, I remember spending all my money from my paper route on KK back in Thomasville, NC. But, there was nothing like getting some donuts from that donut store shaped as a donut in Los Angeles at 3 A.M. with a bunch of low riders from East LA behind me in the drive-through. I ended up with 1 out of 12 donuts. And I was happy. I only eat bagels now.
*AhhhhhhhhhhhThe real thing.They sell them in Arlington, Texas. Just outside of Dallas. We drive over to get them. Fresh off the line....it's unreal.I've had them at the Tiger Marts (Exxon). It's just not as good as straight off the line...but almost.Yes....I bought stock when they first went public but a few days too late. Got in at 64. One split so far.......waiting for another.Ed.
*Sorry, couldn't help but post the last....
*Kimball,Nothing got posted. You have to use the 'browse' button to upload a file from your computer. Simply writing it in there doesn't do a thing.Now that that's explained, if the pic you are trying to post is the one of the women standing in line in front of a fireplace, don't bother. It would simply get deleted immediately anyway. It is not suitable material to be posted here.
*Luka,It could get posted on email?
*I reckon I'm too damn dumb to get into too much trouble! Luka, thanks for the post info though.Kimball
*MD,I guess I don't understand what yer asking.Do you mean, can you post it in email ? No one here has any control whatever of your email, unless you're talking about your webx email. You can send the picture to anyone you want through email. You might need all the lawyers guns and money you've managed to collect so far, if you sent that picture to some people though. LOLYou can't make a link from your email to here, in any way that I know of. You can use the browse button to upload anything that you have on your computer, that you got from an email. If I haven't covered what you were asking, let me know.b : )
*LOL Most times my dumb luck is the best luck I have.b : )
*Actually, what I was asking is if someone had such a picture, they could email it to someone else. What's so controversial about the pic?
*When I go to work, I can cuss all I want. I can talk about just about anything I want. If I really want to, I can even bring a girly magazine and pass it around, or leave it in the port-a-potty.Would I cuss like that, and talk about the kinds of things that I talk about there, in front of my children ? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't talk like that in front of your children either. I wouldn't even act like that in front of the homeowner, who may be a guy the same age as us. In fact, if any of the above was insulting, annoying, repulsive, etc, to you I wouldn't do any of those things within your sphere of comfort. It's called respect for others.There may be nothing 'controversial' about the picture in your mind, and you are certainly free to disburse it to whomever you want, in emails. But in here, even though it is a 'tavern', there be my children and yours and someone else's. There also be women and other sensitive sorts. There have to be boundaries set, even if only for public decency sake, and that picture violates those boundaries.
*Luka,FWIW, I recieved the Krispy Kreme Calendar in my e-mail today. Opened it up while eating lunch; damn near upchucked my sandwhich. Probably be a month before I will be able to eat cottage cheese.Dano
*Toldja id get ya for the bicycle seat thing there Dano :)
*Yeah, Ron, that's kinda what I figured. Your timing couldn't have been better.b :)Dano
*Luka,I guess the weird part is, I haven't seen the picture. So, I don't know what is controversial about it. It seems like, by your description, it must be a real rock crusher of nastiness.That's all; my curiosity is up..Did I miss something?
*Ask Ron Teti to send you a copy in email.It is not 'rock crusher nasty', just very offensive to some, in poor taste to some, ugly to some. It is appealing in a train wreck sort of way to others.
*Its funny as all get out to me. MD if ya want let me know and Ill send ya the calender.(if i still have it.) It cracks me up. I dont see how anyone could be offended by a bunch of porkers in bikinis lieing by the beach or in pool. unless your eating lunch :)
*Ron, what was posted here was a line of very obese women standing in front of a fireplace. It was obvious they were nude, but someone had kinda-sorta painted thong type bikini's on them.
*Wouldn't they be called "po-nuts" then?
*There is a place here in Jersey that boils their bagels. These things are huge!! Great with cream cheese.Yep. Boiled. Not sure how that keeps them from being a huge dripping piece of dough, but if they taste good, then that is all that matters.
*Tara,That's how bagels have always been made, boiled and then baked.
*Do you make bubble & squeak or deep-fry dollups ? I've also been known to form pancakes and fry them in butter or put them under the drill with a thick buttering of garlic butter on top.
*Thats dieferent than the calender I have. its got a bunch of porkers and I mean porkers in thongs at the beach, in swiming pools ect...
*I thought so, by the sound of what you had already said. That's why I described the pic that had been posted here.
They just opened one here and I want to know what all the rave is? The parking lot looks like a ferry terminal at rush hour 24 hours a day.
We drove by last night at midnite and there were hundreds of cars.
Our friends kids waited 2 1/2 Hours at 4:00 am for donut?
HEY! These are just donuts!
I guess this place has sold more donuts than any other Krispy the USA.
Am I missing something here? Besides calories I mean.
Maybe I should buy some stock in Krispy's