Any Ideas? I have taken on a job where the plans specifiy an 87″ by 8′ doors. I have had several thoughts on how to aproach this. They would like for it to work like a bi fold door. I have a door maker who can do it out 3/4 paint grade maple but I have not been able to find hardware for this size wood. By using the same door maker it will match the floor to ceiling cabinets to left and right of this unit. Anouther thought is using Blum 360 degree hinges on two doors and 110 degree on the other two doors. I have never tried this. Any thoughts?
My first thought is that doors that size made from wood that thin are virtually gauranteed to warp and displease the customer. I see no reason why the door man can't offer you a matching pattern in a thicker door. Maple will be a little heavy in that size for typical bifold hardware.
This outfit has a lot of quality specialized stuff in the type you are looking for:
Excellence is its own reward!