lennox bi-metal blades-clearanced at hd
well i’ve been using the lennox bi-metal blades for about 5 mons. and had really convinced myself they were worth the extra money. what sold me on them was i was cutting fiberglass insulation,no problems,grab a new blade out of the knife and all of a sudden i’m tearing and ripping,getting itchy. decide to change blades again, i had put in a stanley! i said thats it,nothing but bi metal from now on. today i’m at home depot and they have the lennox blades and knives clearanced out. so i guess they are going to be gone now,so i’m going to stock up!seems like eveytime someone comes up with a superior product it someone sitting in hd office says” we can buy 10 millon stanley blades for the same price as a millon lennox and the diy will buy them just the same-no brainer. oh well i’ve vented now i can sleep! larry