Where can I find a light to go in the ceiling in a shower? Thinking of something similar to a swimming pool light with a screw on bezel with a gasket.
Search has turned up only pool lights, $125+ each. Don’t think I need anything that pricey, it only needs to be waterproof from the bottom. Who sells such a thing on the net? Joe H
Don't know who sells them on the web, but any electrical supply house should have them.
Required in showers. A common installation.
Shelley in NM
Local electrical supply is closed today, I want to see what's available today. Only place open is HD, and I don't think I'm gonna find one there. Joe H
I don't know, you might. It's very common. They're made exactly as you describe. Have a screw on cover that protects the inside of the can.
Our local HD has several types of recessed cans....more than you would think that they'd need to stock.
uhhhhh...we talking just a regular old shower light?
Just about any place....HD included.....will have them. Just look at the can light and pick one that says shower rated. I'd imagine a net search would bring ya millions of links to click. Jeff.......Sometimes on the toll road of life.....a handful of change is good.......
Went by HD and had a look. Recessed cans with "Shower" lids. Same old thing with a real cheezy gasket. Definitely not waterproof. Stop by the electrical supply tomorrow and get the real deal. Joe H
Don't use the pool light as they need to be submerged to stay cool. My thought would be that it will become a fire hazard. Must be able to find a light at most lighting stores.
Generally, assuming there is sufficient distance to the tub edge, shower lights are just common recessed cans with a shower trim. The gasket on more expensive ones are a bit better but it is there mostly to contain steam and the occasional drop or two splashed up.
I have, even given cheap trims or even non-shower rated trims, seen any problems other than a bit of cosmetic rust. I have seen cans without trims that operated for years without problems. I installed shower trims but these units, from all evidence, could have gone for years without major issues.
It is a good idea to put any shower lights on a GFI just to be safe.