I am looking for a source to buy some track lighting and fixtures. It’s for my woodshop so I don’t need anything fancy.
The boxes want $20 for an 8′ piece of track, and I still need to buy the lights, and power.
I am looking at buying 6 8′ pieces, and about 20 fixtures. Does anyone have good online source.
No pun intended, but you'll get very spotty lighting from that. Standard fluorescent tubes would give much less shadowy light for a shop.
I have 7 flourescents for fill. The track lighting is for fill and task lighting.
I make mostly 18th century reproduction furniture, and need the track for carving etc.
this place carries all kinds of goofy stuff:
, wer ist jetzt der Idiot ?
Lightolier has clearance specials on the web site. You may be lucky in that respect. I do think that florescent fixtures are a better bet but it's your shop. My eyes at 46 are not what they were. :-(