My new home sits atop a ridge and is pretty much the highest point around. There are some nearby trees (60-100 feet) that are as high as, or a bit higher than our roofline, which is about 30 feet up. The electrical service is well grounded with both an 8 foot copper rod and to the copper water line, which comes in under the foundation.
Even so, should I be concerned about lightning? If so, how would I go about adding a lightning rod to better protect the house?
David - Why don't you start by looking here.
*additional info:http://www.lightning.org/http://www.ecoiq.com/magazine/features/feature72.htmlhttp://www.intellitemps.net/krassitschkow/Lightning_works.htmhttp://www.intellitemps.net/krassitschkow/Lightning_works.htmhttp://web2.iadfw.net/gerryc/newham/nhp20.htmlhttp://www.lightningrod.com/http://www.lightningrodparts.com/http://www.harger.com/