Back in August 1999 I posted on a new gypsum wall board called Lite-Rock. Lite-rock Drywall Corp., has just completed sample production runs of its board.
For those of you interested check out the Wall& Ceilings article on Lite-rock in the January 2000 issue of Wall & Ceilings Magazine. Web page www.wconline.com. GeneL. K1RQS
.......Gene...I saw the article and was impressed...but I know nothing about Lite-rock..what it's made of ...will it be cheaper ?...how will it finish...is it a substrate for skim-coat?...
do you know anything else about it...I'm sure many would be interested...
*Mike. If you can locate my august poost it should give, I believe, the makeup of Lite-Rock gypsuim wall board. Also check out Walls& Ceilings Magazine's web page http://www.wconline.com for the latest on the test runs of Lire-Rock. in January 2000 edition. I'll keep this page informed as I get more information. GeneL.