I have a 1-2 / 12 pitch roof over an entranceway. It needs to be redone. After stripping the old covering and making the necessary repairs, I was planning on putting down Ice and Water shield over the whole deck. I thought rolled roofing over that. I was also considering a metal roof for the area. Any thoughts about which would be better??
Just my opinion...
1. Metal
2. EPDM or membrane
3. Roll roofing
4. shingles at crazy low exposure.
Are there any issues with metal as far as installation?
Is the membrane a torch down roof?
EPDM is not a torch-down product. Seams are glued down with a rubber cement like product available at the epdm supplier.
What do you mean by installation issues with metal roofing? Are you asking if it's a DIY type project?View Image
As far as metal roofing, is there a different type of metal roofing for a flat roof vs. a pitched roof?
I'm afraid I can't offer much information on metal roofing products and installation.... I'd be talking out my azz if you want specifics.
Hang tight and someone will be along shortly who knows more about metal roofing than I do.View Image
Thanks for your input. I am going to check into EPDM from the local Roofing Supply.
I wanted to do something that would last longet than roll roofing.
They recommend the same pitch for metal as shingles. 4-12.
I built a shed roof off the back of the garage for large tractor attachments. I had to go 2-12, used metal, and have no problems.
You around dude?View Image
I am with Piff on the flat seam soldered copper. Not reallly a DIY type thing, but it can be done with guidance and the right tools.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
See? I knew yous guys would know the stuff I dunno. :)View Image
In Illliniois, I wouldn't put metal on such a low pitch unless it were soldered copper pans.
There is a peel'n'stick re-inforced and mineral surfaced roof product ideal for such as this. The name brqnd available here is Polyglas. I think GAF has one too. You can put down I&W first or nail a heavy base sheet.
EPDM is best, but expensive for a small area.
Don't even consider shingles for less than 2/12
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Thanks for the info!!
I am going to the Local Roofing Supply place tommorrow. I was looking at the GAF Product on line
Thanks to all for the suggestions!!!
Maybe I'm too late but I would highly recommend the EPDM. The stuff is bullet proof and your roofing supply yard ( We have ABC.Supply out here) can get you the install manual. It is pretty idiot proof too... I put it down all the time =)
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specializtion is for insects. - robert heinlen
Thanks, ABC is who I use. I am going there today. Turned there was a lot of leaking on the rrof, had to replace some of the rafters and 2/3 of the deck, all the soffits and facia.
I did a similar roof several yrs ago for my mother. Also had to replace decking and rafters. Her roll roofing was only 7 yrs old and had been leaking for awhile.
EPDM is what I used, worked fine, but now I'd definitely be thinking metal.
Pay attention to Seeyou. If metal can work, he'll know. It's much longer-lasting. I DIYed a copper roof last yr. Pricey, but I won't be up there again anytime soon. Look at lifespan cost.PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Metal might be a good solution even with the low pitch. I'm picturing a small entrance roof (some pics would help) that could be roofed without lateral seams in the metal. All the other suggestions concerning membranes are good, but if it's a small area, metal may still be a viable option.
Andrew Douglas: What have you been up to?
Jim White: Killin' time... It just won't die.