Makita LXT Hammerdrill Worth the $$?

My Dewalt got stolen out of my car, but the Dewalt had crappy batteries anyway, and I wanted 18 volts rather than 14.4. Now I have a reason to upgrade. So the question is, are those new Makita jobs worth 310 bucks? They sure look good on paper. Who’s using them, and what do you think? I need to turn lemons into lemonade here.
EDIT:BTW anyone found one cheaper than 309 from Coastal Tools online?
Edited 7/17/2006 1:49 pm ET by xosder11
In a word, yes. Lots of power and run time. I have a Milwaukee cordless 18v hammer drill, and have used the Dewalt. The Makita is superior to both. Plus the LED light is really great if you are working in basements. (I think that there is a rebate with this drill--buy the drill and get a free impact driver. The impact driver is even better than the drill. I don't know how anything that light could have so much power.)
"I think that there is a rebate with this drill--buy the drill and get a free impact driver"I thought I remembered seeing the same thing somewhere, but I can't remember where, Anyone remember seeing this rebate?Edit, looks like it ended June 28th.
Edited 7/17/2006 5:49 pm ET by xosder11
Yea I've got one. Love it. It's all that and a bag of chips.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
The thing just looks and feels right. Nice balance and ergonomics. Of course, I havent actually used it, but if it lives up to what is described, I'm sold. Damn rebate is still on their website, but expired...ouch. Bastard couldn't have stolen my friggin Dewalt sooner.
I got the drill/driver ... no hammer ... and love it.
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
btw ... they're now available as reconditioned.
I'm waiting to jump on a reconditioned circ saw ... or the 401 kit with the circ saw and sawzaw ... hell ... if I buy that first ... I'll sell U the hammer drill body!
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Store closes at ten. I'm just sitting here with the makita window open telling myself I could do great things with that drill...and just, for a second, missing the old Dewalt a little too.
I'm a pretty big dewalt fan.
after buying the makita ... I'm looking to make the big switch. Even thinking of putting the tried and true Dewalt radio up for sale too.
I'll keep the chop and table saw ... as well as the routers ... corded circular saws .. etc.
But ... I'll be replacing all the cordless stuff as soon as possible.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
I know you've been kicking the idea around so I figured you might want to know...
Just pulled the trigger on the Makita LI four tool combo set at
Hammer drill/driver, impact, circ saw, flashlight and coupon for free recip.
$572 w/ free shipping.View Image
here's how bad I got hooked ...
only have the drill/driver ...
BUT ... just 2 days ago ... I checked that site to check ... once again ... for my impact driver ... no updates ... so set off an email Mon Nite asking ... "where's my driver"?
Tues afternoon .. get home from work ... and it's sitting on my porch.
Talk about quick service! They even managed to post mark it before I sent the email!
Haven't played with it yet ... but anyways ...
I'm checking all the reconditioned tool sites ... I'm gonna get the 401 (I think it is) kit ... has the circular saw and sawzaw ... think it comes with the hammer drill and no flashlight? I know it's got both saws though ...
was looking at just the circular saw ... figured I can wait for the recon'd ... then it'd just be a few bucks more for the rest of the tool bodies.
I'm curiuos to try the impact. I don't use mine all the time for driving ... have a 12v hitachi ... nice little gun ... but last time I used it ... driving ledge loc's thru 2 LVL's ... it got hot ... so I decided to give it a break ... drive the bolts in to start with the regular drill ... the new Makita ... then hammer them home.
Next day ... before covering with drywall .. I decided to torque them once more ... the impact was in the van .. so I thot I'd try the Makita drill ... sucked them damn things in about a 1/4 tighter! Really pulled that beam tight ... then sunk the washer heads.
Lucky I had the side handle on it! Woulda pulled me off the freaking ladder.
So ... Now I'm wondering if a powerful drill alone is better than an impact ... ?
Or ... maybe I needed the more powerful impact in the first place.
I'll have to work up a test.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
I use tons of LedgerLocs Jeff. All over the place for sucking lumber together. I've found that drills work far better than even my big pneumatic impact wrench. I don't know why, but they zip right in with a drill and take forever with anything impact..... must be the threads or something.View Image
You must have gotten the last one, they are now out of stock. I'm gonna order it anyway. Good price, especially with the recip saw.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
Wow... I literally ordered and them posted here like 5 min later... the window is still open at the bottom of my screen. Geez....good thing I wasn't smart enough to think about it before buying it. ;)View Image
It won't even let me order. No 'Add' button anywhere. You lucky stiff. Best price I've found AND with the recip saw, I'm ready to plunge and there's nowhere to dive. Good job, wish I had known about the site sooner.
BTW, I went to the Makita site last week to check on the recip coupon/rebate promo, and it wasn't listed, which is why I've been holding back. Hope you get your coupon and they honor it.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
I just went and double checked... thought maybe you were looking in the wrong place...sorry... you weren't. It was right on the front page of specials earlier tonight. HDT is a pretty reputable site... IIRC it's just one guy running the show. I'm not really sweating the coupon being valid, but I'll let you know.View Image
It's in the mail. Managed to get the rebate I got the impact driver. I'm pretty excited on this one.
how'd you get the rebate????