My client picked up a masonite door at the po’. The top hinge was not tight to the door and longer screws go right thru the soft stile. I temp put epoxy in the screw holes as it was getting late and weather is going to get nasty. The storm door is going to be replaced when the new door is cmplete. I really don’t want to put the storm door on if I have to pull this new door out. Has anyone encountered this problem? Any fixes?
Thanks, PT
I use a 3/8" drill to enlarge the screw hole and glue a 3/8" dowl in the hole. Screws work real well after that.
Do I understand correctly that you're talking about a hollow core exterior door?
Masonite makes steel and fiberglass entry doors, not just hardboard junk.
Masonite makes steel and fiberglass entry doors, not just hardboard junk.
Oh, I see.
For holes that are seriously buggered, I've used chopsticks. No, I don't mean I take a lunch break! Most chopsticks have tapered, rounded ends. A little glue, tap them in, snap off whatever protrudes.
The best thing about using chopsticks instead of toothpicks is that it's much easier to keep the screw centered.
Bamboo skewers work well also.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
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Thanks all, I did the glue and wood trick, I was just wondering if there was invented a better fix. I learned that one 40 years ago fixing my old Moth sailboat.
Onece again thanks to all.
Don, they acquired the Stanley Entry Door line.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
I run into that all the time on the cheap homedepot doors. I usually slice off a fat sliver of wood and glue it right in the hole and put the screw back in but not real tight until it dries.
I do as Chris suggests. Although, center punching the sliver of wood with an awl sets it pretty well and I usually just run the screws back in right away without waiting for the glue to totaly dry and don't have problems. It takes less time to plug the hole and put the screw back in than it has to type this. My personal favorite material is a tongue depressor, which quickly cuts with end nippers.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.