matching masonite exterior paneling

hi all, I’ve been reading breaktime for quite a while ii am a residential remodelor in ct. and have a job where i am putting a second floor addition on a house. the house looks like an english Tudor style house with what looks like stucco. After removing some of the stucco i found out it is masonite paneling that looks like stucco. the ho wants me to fix some other spots on the house also. I have searched the web looking for masonite paneling but all i find is info for class action lawsuits? is there any where to get any more of this stuff? unfortunately what i had to remove is not enough to do new addition . all i have to do is one wall approx 3-4 pieces and the panels are 4×8
thanks in advance
had some exterior repairs with masonite siding that looked like stucco last summer.
I found a product that looked liked osb on the back side, like not so.... smart siding... anyway it fit the bill and looked almost exactly like what was on the house.
I can't remember who made it, either LP or GP I think there is still a half sheet in the shop somewhere, if I can find it and it has the name on it I can post it for you.
Heres one link
page 4 of the pdf, called Adobe panel siding.
James hardie also makes a version of it.
Edited 6/30/2004 11:42 pm ET by CAG
Edited 6/30/2004 11:45 pm ET by CAG
thanks for the sites im still looking but getting closer
In my area the product used is called "stucco board" and is available as ABTco Stucco Panel - see
It is imperative to paint the bottom edge and backprime it and to vigorously maintain the paint coating.
The bottom edge is supposed to be held about 1" above any battens or shingles, but it never is because it looks really stupid.
The nail heads should be left proud of the surface, otherwise the crush around sunken nail heads is a great place fpor water penetration and deterioration.
"It is as hard for the good to suspect evil, as it is for the bad to suspect good."
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero, statesman, orator, writer (106-43 BCE)
thanks for the site im still looking but getting closer. and i did notice when they installed the original stuff wher they sunk the nails is was failing and they had decorative boards on top and it failed where they tried to caulk it thanks
I believe that fiber cement (Hardy and Certinteed) also have similar patterns.
Don't know how they will match the existing.