Today at or around 1 p.m. EST, we will be doing our first mass emailing to all of our forum users. This is being done to notify you about an important change that we are making to the forums and to our parent Web site,
Over the past few years, our forums and parent Web site have seen a very large increase in usage. As a result of this, we have outgrown the existing registration system. In the upcoming weeks we will be implementing a new registration system, a single “seamless” registration system.
We will no longer have separate registration systems for our forums and our Web site. So if you are shopping and want to visit the forums, you won’t have to log in at, then log in again to enter the forums. A single registration will cover both sites.
This also means that all users will need to re-register. Re-registration Does Not mean that users will lose their forums history (number of posts, messages read unread, signatures forum profiles) these items are all being preserved and we will be linking your new registration to your old account. How are we doing this? We will be using your email address to link the two accounts, so that means that you need to know what your current forum email address is.
In the Sandbox, you will find a folder called New Registration FAQs to address any questions you might have regarding this process. Here is a link to this new folder:
If you have questions regarding this process, please post them in the New Registration FAQs folder in the Sandbox.
[email protected]
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Is this change also going to take care of the username/screenname controversy ?
In other words, is the screen name now going to be tied to the username, so two different "users" can't have the same screen name ?
If so, sign me up to be Jeff Buck !!
Are we there yet ?
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Yes that is correct. There will only be a single name associated with an account and those names will be unique. -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
And would this mean you are coming to Ohio the second wknd in August and wish to pick up a souvenir (and what style and size would that be?)?
This seems the only way to reach you.
Thanks and pardon the interuption.Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Calvin, Never an interuption. This new reg system has taken every available moment from the time I walk through the doors in the am till I walk out in the PM (sometimes am again). I will let you know about Riverfest as soon as I know... I'll explain later. 50/50 right now. But of course either way I will look into the closet for you...SYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Whatever happens you know you or other tauntonites are welcome. I need however to have the hat/shirt order in tomorrow morning as we leave for a camping trip. Please contact me soon, don't want you left out.
thanks again.Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
50/50 right now. But of course either way I will look into the closet for you...
Erm.... Since yer looking in the closet for Calvin, I don't know if I even want to know about the 50/50 thing...
Are we there yet ?
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!To set your email address, click on your own name on the screen. In the pop-up window, choose "My Prefs". At the very top of the window, you will then see the place to change your email address. Please make sure that you enter a current viable email address. Otherwise you will lose your current history when you re-register.
I'll re register.
How do I do it?
Blue, you don't re-register until after the new registration is put into effect.That will happen in a few weeks.
Are we there yet ?
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!To set your email address, click on your own name on the screen. In the pop-up window, choose "My Prefs". At the very top of the window, you will then see the place to change your email address. Please make sure that you enter a current viable email address. Otherwise you will lose your current history when you re-register.
Not mean that users will lose their forums history
Sure it does and Piffin has to start all over again... hehehehehehehehehe
That's OK, the cream always rises to the top.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
May the Force be with you! Upgrades almost never go smoothly hereabouts.
In an underdeveloped country don't drink the water. In a developed country don't breathe the air --Jonathan Raban
I have been preparing for this for months (mentally that is...) -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
I already received the mass mailing. Does the team have a WAG when the new registration will kick in?
In an underdeveloped country don't drink the water. In a developed country don't breathe the air --Jonathan Raban
15- 30 days from today. Still a couple of bugs to work out. The forums part is done though and appears to be testing out nicely. -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Should I apologize for forcing you to do this by the number of posts I make?
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
Yes it is all your fault! We are going to wipe your account clean and you need to start all over at zero... So how long do you think it would take to get back to the over 20,000 messages point? Actually I should be sending you some sort of prize for reaching that status... -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Mark, if you're still around, email me/call me.
Thanks.Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
prizes are nice.But they can't beat being infamousor having a screw named after you;)
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
"or having a screw named after you"
girl I dated once ...
well ... this really isn't the time.
or place ...
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Are we there yet ?
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!To set your email address, click on your own name on the screen. In the pop-up window, choose "My Prefs". At the very top of the window, you will then see the place to change your email address. Please make sure that you enter a current viable email address. Otherwise you will lose your current history when you re-register.
suck up!
jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Jealous !
Are we there yet ?
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!To set your email address, click on your own name on the screen. In the pop-up window, choose "My Prefs". At the very top of the window, you will then see the place to change your email address. Please make sure that you enter a current viable email address. Otherwise you will lose your current history when you re-register.
am I going to have to use my current password when I reregister?
cuase I have no idea what it is, the puter keeps it.
also when I reregister the only connection is the email address to tranfer things?
so if someone reregisters before I do and uses my id or nickname I'm out of luck and have to come up with new id and nickname or will id and nickname have to be the same.
last time I had to re register the system would not accept bobl cause it had me already in the system somewhere and I had to change my ID, and then use bobl as a nickname
bobl Volo, non valeo
Baloney detecter
Email address is what we will be using to connect the old account with the new registration. Passwords is one of the main reasons we are forced to have users reregister. I dont have access to them and most users don't know what they are. We have our own registration name space now so duplicate names should not be an issue unlike the last time we did a reregistration where we were part of the entire Prospero system. If for some reason you are forced to pick a new name all of your old posts will reflect the new name you choose so that shouldnt be an issue. More questions let me know. -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Me too. I used to be Piffin, but had to re-register as Pifin and change my nickname to Piffin
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
so who u going to come back as next time?being an optimist, I figure the only way i'll get to use bobl is in the signitureit will probably take a couple weeks to figure out who everyone really is
bobl Volo, non valeo
Baloney detecter
it'd have to be something to do with his screw....
So if I only have one e-mail address and you already have it, do I have to do anything or will you just roll over the existing info into the new system?
I'm listed as Dinosaur 17. Does that mean Prospero has 16 other Dinosaurs ruminating around Jurassic Park somewhere?
I got the email a couple of days ago. I have been trying to remember my password ever since....
I dare not log off for fear I might not be able to log back on....
I'm gonna take a stab at it.
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
does this mean that there's at least 16 more of ya out there...
this is my understanding (read guess)everyone is going to have to re register soon.taunton can't access passwords so things can't be just transferred.they are using the email address as the key to transfer data that they canbut your login id and nickname are not transferablewhen you re register you will have to enter such, and hope no one has already taken them in the taunton scheme. login names and nicknames cannot be duplicatedso, unlike today, where you can change your nickname at will, including nicknmaes already used, only one can be if i register before you i could pick dinosaur as either id or nickname and u're out of lucksince the registration is across the whole taunton site and family of forums, i don't think everyone will get to keep their nicknames/screen names. but that's thge optimist in me.
bobl Volo, non valeo
Baloney detecter
"I got the email a couple of days ago. I have been trying to remember my password ever since....I dare not log off for fear I might not be able to log back on...."As is common to most system if you don't have the password you can click on a button and then enter your email address.Then a new, made up password is send to that address.Then log in with that new address and go to options and change it to something that you can rember like PASSWORD <G>.I would do it now before the system changes.
Actually, I've got four different passwords I use which cover about everything. Which one I use where depends on what the system requirements are (like numbers only, letters only, required numbers plus letters, etc. etc.). So it's more a question of which of the four it is, then whether it's uppercase or lower case.
So I've got eight combinations to try.
Think I can handle that if I have to....
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
Here is an easier way. Ready hold your breath, LOG out then at the login page use the "forgotten password" link, you will be sent a new one. At that point you can then go into your preferences and change the password to be what ever it is you want. If you have already figured it out by now then ignore this message. -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
As long as the system gives me four tries before it blackballs me, I got it under control....
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
I haven't gotten an e-mail for re-registering, either.
he hid yours next to mine...
maybe this is Taunton's way of thinning the herd
Anybody here named Screwdriver?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
not that I know of...
Probably too agressive a name for me tho
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
My father's nickname at work was screwdriver but he had seven kids.
I used to have a helper whose nickname was 'Wingnut'.
Fit him so well, nobody ever remembered his real name.
I still can't remember it....
A day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship...
But it is not this day.
And if we don't, do we get incarcerated at Gitmo? If so, can we wait 'till the hurricane passes?
Ok so I went to "re-register" and it wouldnt let me. Got an error message that the user name or email already exists.
That is what should be happening. We are not asking users to reregister now I am just making the user base aware that we will be changing registration systems. This change wont happen for a few weeks yet though. When we nail down the exact date I will be sure to make that public as soon as possible. -MSYSOP[email protected]Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Have all of the emails been sent? I did not receive one and my email address is correct.
Yes all of the emails have been sent. It appears that there is a group of users that did not recevie them and I am loooking into this right now. Most likely wont have an answer till Monday thought. But no worries as long as you know what your email address is, that is associated with your current account then use that when asked to reregister in a couple of weeks. This will connect the 2 accounts. -MSYSOP
[email protected]
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Edited 7/8/2005 6:44 pm ET by SYSOP
Haven't received anything yet-
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Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!To set your email address, click on your own name on the screen. In the pop-up window, choose "My Prefs". At the very top of the window, you will then see the place to change your email address. Please make sure that you enter a current viable email address. Otherwise you will lose your current history when you re-register.
Are we there yet ?
Have you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!To set your email address, click on your own name on the screen. In the pop-up window, choose "My Prefs". At the very top of the window, you will then see the place to change your email address. Please make sure that you enter a current viable email address. Otherwise you will lose your current history when you re-register.